/db2whrest/v1/report/<report_id>: GET

Gets information about a single curation report.

The following table shows which roles can access this REST API endpoint:
Table 1. Access by role
Data admin Data user Collection Admin Admin Service user

Synopsis of the request URL

curl -k -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' https://<spectrum_discover_host>/db2whrest/v1/report/
<report_id> -X GET

Supported request types and response formats

Supported request types:
  • GET
Supported response formats:
  • JSON


  1. The following example shows how to get information about a single curation report.
    1. Submit a request to display information about report ID "b5ff3126-353d-4d7d-857a-750cc20b8bab":
      curl -k -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' https://<spectrum_discover_host>/db2whrest/v1/
      report/b5ff3126-353d-4d7d-857a-750cc20b8bab -X GET -H "Accept: application/json"
    2. The following response is returned. The response data is in JSON format:
      {"name": "Age Report Summary. 0-30 Days", "query":"{\"filters\":[{\"value\":\"NOW() - 
      30 DAYS\",\"key\":\"atime\",\"operator\":\">\"}],\"sort_by\":[{\"datasource\":\"asc\"}],
      \"name\":\"Age Report Summary. 0-30 Days\",\"query\":\"\",\"group_by\":[\"datasource\"]}",
      Report Summary. 0-30 Days-2018-11-01_18:58:14.csv","lastrun":"2018-11-01T18:58:14.000Z",
      In the following code block, the response data has been manually reflowed to make it easier to read:
      "name":"Age Report Summary. 0-30 Days","query":
      "{\"filters\":[{\"value\":\"NOW() - 30 DAYS\",\"key\":\"atime\",\"operator\":\">\"}],
      \"sort_by\":[{\"datasource\":\"asc\"}],\"name\":\"Age Report Summary. 0-30 Days\",
      "filename":"Age Report Summary. 0-30 Days-2018-11-01_18:58:14.csv",
      Note: To download the output of a report, use the download endpoint. For more information, see /db2whrest/v1/report/<report_id>/download: GET.