Creating tags

Use the following information when you create tags.

About this task

Use the Tags page to create new organizational tags. The table lists the tag name in the Field Name column, tag Type, and the tag values in the Tags column. Use the icons to Edit or Delete a tag.


  1. Go to Metadata > Tag Management
  2. Under Tags, click the Add Tag button.
  3. In the New organizational Tag page, enter the name of the tag in the Name field.
    Figure 1. New organizational tags
    New organizational tags
  4. Select one of the following values from the Type menu:
    An Open tag can be anything that describes groups of records, but is non-restricted in value, such as project name, department, and sensor serial number.
    A Restricted tag can be anything that describes groups of records, but is restricted to a set of pre-defined values, such as data classification or billing department number.
    A Characteristics tag is something that is specific in value for each record. They are typically used for content extraction, such as patient name, VIN, or GPS location.
  5. Enter one or more values for the tag into the Values box.
    1. Press the Enter key to save each value. Each saved tag is displayed below the Values box.
  6. Click the Submit button.
    The tags, types, and values are displayed in the table in the Tags tab.