Upgrading IBM Storage Fusion HCI System management software
This topic outlines the steps to upgrade IBM Storage Fusion HCI System management software from any version in the 2.7.x release to 2.8.0 and from 2.8.0 to the latest version (2.8.2) in the 2.8.x release series. If you are already on 2.8.1, then you can use this procedure to upgrade to 2.8.2. The upgrade from the base version to any increment of that version can be performed in a single upgrade step, avoiding a series of incremental updates in between.
Before you begin
- Go through the prerequisites before you upgrade. For more information about the prerequisites, see Prerequisites.
- Go through the following considerations that impact the IBM Storage Fusion HCI System upgrade procedure:
- The IBM Storage Fusion HCI System does automatic prechecks during upgrade to help you detect and fix errors. Go through the automated prechecks for better planning. For more information about the prechecks, see Prechecks.
- If you upgrade IBM Storage Fusion HCI System that is part of a Metro-DR configuration, then see Upgrading a disaster recovery setup.
- If you are using a private image registry, mirror the Fusion images to the registry before you upgrade. For the procedure and images to download, see Mirroring IBM Storage Fusion HCI images.
- Before you upgrade Fusion operator, you must perform preventive steps so that the operator upgrade does not get stuck. For more information about the steps, see Operator upgrade can get stuck for IBM Storage Fusion HCI and IBM Storage Fusion .
About this task
- This procedure outlines how to upgrade the Fusion operator. To accomplish the task, edit the CatalogSource to indicate the new image path, and then approve the install plan. It accomplishes the upgrade of IBM Storage Fusion HCI System 2.7.x to the 2.8.0, 2.8.0 to 2.8.2, or 2.8.1 to 2.8.2. You do not have to upgrade to 2.8.1 prior to the upgrade of 2.8.2.
- Upgrade paths:
Source version Target version 2.7.x 2.8.0 2.8.0 2.8.2 2.8.1 2.8.2 Note: Do not upgrade to IBM Storage Fusion HCI System management software 2.8.1.
What to do next
- Upgrade Fusion services. For more information about upgrade, see Upgrading IBM Storage Fusion HCI System services.
- If you use IBM Cloud® Satellite, make sure that you update the network type of your IBM Cloud Satellite setup. For the procedure to update the network type, contact IBM support.