Data Foundation for MCG only

The IBM Storage Fusion HCI System supports MCG only mode.

Before you begin

Label at least two nodes:
  1. Validate whether the nodes have necessary label:
    oc get node -l
  2. If No resources found gets displayed, then it means that no node exists with the label. Run the following command to label at least two worker nodes for ensuring High Availability:
    oc label node <worker-node-1> <worker-node-2>''
  3. Validate label is applied to the nodes:
    oc get node -l           
    Example output:
    NAME              STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION
    <worker-node-1>   Ready    worker   28d   v1.28.12+396c881
    <worker-node-2>   Ready    worker   28d   v1.28.12+396c881

About this task

  • You must have a local Global Data Platform storage installed and in a running state. Otherwise, you cannot see the Data Foundation MCG Only tile for installation.
  • The Fusion Data Foundation support is included only in IBM Storage Fusion HCI System 2.8.1 release.


  1. Go to Services page in IBM Storage Fusion user interface.
  2. In the Available section, click the Data Foundation MCG Only tile to install and configure storage service.
  3. In the Data Foundation page, go through the details about the service and click Install.
    The IBM Storage Fusion HCI System supports both provider and MCG only modes.
    The Fusion Data Foundation operator starts to deploy and you can see Data Foundation MCG Only in the Installed section of the Services page. Initially, the status shows as Installing and the progress of the installation is mentioned in percentage. After installation completes successfully, the status changes to Running.
  4. To verify, view Multi Cloud gateway in OpenShift®.
    For more information about Multi Cloud gateway in OpenShift, see Managing hybrid and multicloud resource.