Recovering service backups
Restore a service configuration from the service backup.
Before you begin
- Ensure that the IBM Storage Fusion Backup & Restore (Legacy) service is not installed. This recovery replaces all existing objects with the objects in the service backup.
- If service protection requires rebuilding the hub cluster, backup your application data to a
cloud-based storage. Also, backup any defined local S3 storage on your cluster to a cloud storage.
The recovery procedure in this topic restores only the metadata for backups, which got saved to the
cloud storage.
For example, you have a MinIO storage service defined and configured with a backup storage location that uses the local storage. The MinIO application must have its cloud backup policy to restore the service first, and then any applications backed up to the local S3 storage.
You can use the local storage for sensitive applications, but ensure that you save the database to the cloud or another S3 location within the firewall. Restore the local storage location from a cloud backup before you attempt to restore other applications backed up to that storage service.
- The IBM Storage Fusion namespace must remain the same between the service backup and service restore. When you recover a service backup to a new IBM Storage Fusion deployment, make sure that the deployment uses the same namespace as backup.
What to do next
- Application backups are available to restore before the backup storage locations are connected. Wait for the backup storage location to be connected before you attempt to restore.
- Storage classes that are used by applications on the original cluster must exist or be created on the restored cluster before you attempt to restore the applications that use those classes.
- Scheduled backups resume after the service restore is complete. However, these backups fail until the applications are restored from a backup. You can ignore these failed backups. After the application is restored from a backup, subsequent backups will be successful.
- When you do a service protection restore, the Backed up applications page does not display the applications on the Spoke clusters that are not reconnected to the new Hub cluster. After a Spoke is manually reconnected, it may take a while for the backed up applications on that Spoke to appear on the page.