Adding deep-inspection policy parameters

You can add DEEP-INSPECT policies.

About this task

You can enrich metadata through an external deep inspection application. For more information, see Managing applications. For example, you can extract patient names from medical records and index the names. Indexing the names helps when you search for files that pertain to patients by name. Deep inspection policies can send lists of files to an application, which can examine the contents of files and return the values that it finds paired with defined tag keys.

Important: If the deep-inspect application returns a tag:value pair that is not requested by the deep-inspect policy, the tag:value pair is still updated by the deep-inspect policy as long as the tag resides in IBM Spectrum Discover.


Do the following to add parameters for deep-inspection policies:

  1. Add the Application name (for example, example-application).
    Note: To add an application, see /policyengine/v1/applications: POST/policyengine/v1/applications: POST in the Data Cataloging: REST API Guide.
  2. Click +Add Tag.
  3. Select which Parameter to apply (for example, extract-tags), and then select the appropriate Values (for example, TEMPERATURE).
  4. You can add more parameters by clicking the +Add parameter control. This is optional.
  5. You can delete a parameter by clicking the Delete "minus" icon next to the parameter's Value. This is optional.
  6. Click Next Step.