Stopping the Notifier

You might need to stop and restart the Notifier.

Before you stop and restart the Notifier:

  1. Create a file named kill.notifier in the /opt/ibm/metaocean/data/connections/cos/replay/output/command directory.
  2. Ensure that the processing of any batches is complete before you stop the Notifier.

Stopping the Notifier displays the following output:

The shutdown is complete when the "Shutdown is complete" message displays.

Starting COS Notifier - Version 0.1
Enter the Manager API username: admin
Enter the Manager API password:
Enter the Kafka username: cos Enter the Kafka password:
Enter the Kafka pem: Creating Kafka producer...
Notifier is running
Log file and config file are in directory C:\dev\cos-scanner\output\
Checking for files in output\data
- 11 files found Checking for files in output\data
- 256 files found Detected the kill trigger file. Shutting down...
Shutdown is complete