Starting the Replay

The guidelines and rules for using Replay are documented in this topic.

To start Replay, run the following command:

The following rules apply for Replay:

  • Configure Replay according to the guidelines in Table 1.
  • Replay component requires min_utc and max_utc time stamps defined in the Configuration file.
  • Only notifications sent between min_utc and max_utc are parsed and replayed.
  • Replay automatically shuts down when all accesser logs are downloaded and processed. The message Complete Replay Process appears in the console.
This is an example of how to start Replay:
Starting COS Replay - Version 0.1 Log file and config file are in directory /Users/weebrew/
Starting Accessor Log Extraction Downloading files...
('Downloaded', 10, 'of', 36)
('Downloaded', 20, 'of', 36)
('Downloaded', 30, 'of', 36)
Download complete.
Total files: 36
Complete Accessor Log Extraction
Starting Replay process
Complete Replay process