Progress report

The Progress Report provides an instant snapshot of status for the Scanner and Notifier.

To create a progress report, run the following command:
The progress report displays in plain text format to the console in a static HTML file that is named: /opt/ibm/metaocean/data/connections/cos/replay/output/cos-scanner-report.html

If a progress report exists, the new progress report overwrites the existing progress report. See Figure 1.

Figure 1. IBM Cloud Object Storage Scanner progress report
IBM Cloud Object Storage Scanner progress report

See Table 1 for a description of information in the progress report.

Table 1. Description for IBM Cloud Object Storage Scanner progress report
Column name Description
Scan Type Either Object or Version.

Non-Versioned vaults show Object.

Versioned vaults show Version. However, there are some exceptions. If the Name Index for a versioned vault is unavailable but Recovery Listing is enabled, an object scan might be run. The user is alerted that an object scan can be done, but this object scan requires changes to the configuration file.

Vault Name The name of the vault. Any prefix that is defined in the configuration file is also shown.

Example: mega_vault?prefix=test

Vault UUID The UUID of the vault.
Estimated Object Count The estimated number of objects in the vault, as reported by the Manager API.

This value is refreshed from the Manager API each time the scanner is started, regardless of the status of each scan. Given that the number of objects in each vault might be constantly changing, the number of objects that are reported in this column becomes out of date during long running scans.

Note: This issue affects only the status report but does not affect the data integrity of the Scanner.
Scan Status Shows the status of the scanner.
Not started
The task is queued but not started.
In progress
The task is running.
The task finished.
The task encountered an unrecoverable error and aborted. Shut down the Scanner and the debug file, and inspect the file to investigate the problems. After you resolve the problems, restart the Scanner.

The debug file is in the /opt/ibm/metaocean/data/connections/cos/replay/output/data/<vault-name>/<prefix> directory. For each vault, see the /opt/ibm/metaocean/data/connections/cos/replay/output/data/<vault-name>/<prefix> directories.

Last scan activity The last time data was retrieved from the vault.
Scanned Number of objects or versions that are scanned. For a versioned vault, this value shows a figure that is higher than the Estimated Object Count.
Output Number of objects or versions that scanned AND whose LastModified time stamp is inside the time window that is defined in the configuration file.

The figure in the column is Queued + Notified + Error.

Queued Number of objects or versions that are Output and are waiting to be sent to the Kafka cluster.
Notified Number of objects or versions that are submitted successfully to the Kafka cluster.
Error Number of objects or versions that failed to send to the Kafka cluster. Details of all errors are logged to notifier.debug.
Approximate percentage scanned Scanned as a percentage of Est. Object Count.

The cell background shows a progress bar.

Approximate percentage scanned Notified as a percentage of Output.

The cell background shows a progress bar.

Table 2. What is reported beneath the report title
Measure Description
Scans in progress Number of scans with the status "In Progress". Applies to Scanner only.
Scans complete Number of scans with the status "Complete". Applies to Scanner only.
Scan progress Sum (number of objects scanned) as a percentage of sum (estimated object count).