Error conditions

Sometimes Replay does not have enough information to replay the original notification. If this occurs, you must fix the problems manually.

For example, if vault versioning was suspended when you made the request and you receive an s3 DeleteObject for an object or delete marker, the following error is logged:

error_code=True, error_description=”Delete operation with [no version_id|null
version_id|version_id] for vault with versioning = [suspended/enabled]”

The error message displays because Replay cannot distinguish when a notification with s3:CreateDeleteMarker or s3:CreateDeleteMarker:NullVersionDeleted is sent.

If vault versioning is disabled, and an s3 PutObject request is received for an object that is deleted, the following error is logged:

error_code=404, error_message=”Not Found”

The error message displays because Replay cannot determine the tag of the object that was deleted.