/connmgr/v1/connections: GET and /connmgr/v1/connections/<connection_name>: GET
Lists the attributes of one or more connections.
These two endpoints list the attributes either of a specified connection or of all the
connections in the connection table. The following table shows which roles can access these two REST
API endpoints:
Endpoints | Data admin | Data user | Collection Admin | Admin | Service user |
/connmgr/v1/connections: GET | ✓ | Χ | ✓ | Χ | Χ |
/connmgr/v1/connections/<connection_name>: GET | ✓ | Χ | ✓ | Χ | Χ |
Synopsis of the request URL
curl -k -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' https://<spectrum_discover_host>/connmgr/v1/
connections -X GET
orcurl -k -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' https://<spectrum_discover_host>/connmgr/v1/
connections/<connection_name> -X GET
Supported request types and response formats
Supported request types:
Supported response formats:- GET
- text/plain
- The following example returns information about all the connections in the connection table:
- Run the following request on one
The following response is returned. The response lists the information for all the connections in the connections table. For example, this table contains two connections,curl -k -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' https://<spectrum_discover_host>/connmgr/v1/connections -X GET -H ’Accept: application/json’
:[ { "name": "con01", "type": "general", "cluster": "modevvm19.metro.labs.cpr.com", "datasource": "gpfs0", "site":"datasite03" } { "name": "con02", "type": "general", "cluster": "modevvm19.metro.labs.cpr.com", "datasource": "gpfs1", "site":"datasite03" } ]
- Run the following request on one
- The following example returns information about connection
:- Run the following request on one
The following response is returned:curl -k -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' https://<spectrum_discover_host>/connmgr/v1/connections/con02 -X GET -H ’Accept: application/json’
[ { "name": "con02", "type": "general", "cluster": "modevvm19.metro.labs.cpr.com", "datasource": "gpfs1", "site":"datasite03" } ]
- Run the following request on one