
About this task

You can build a visual query or a custom SQL query to begin the search. In a visual query, you can add tags from the search page and view the values in the form of charts, tables, or directories for a more enhanced experience. The following procedure helps you build queries to search for relevant results.


  1. Click menu icon on the upper left of the IBM Spectrum® Discover interface and then click Search.
    The Query Builder page appears.
  2. To build a visual query, click Add corresponding to the Tag that you want to include in your search.
  3. On the Select Values page, select the values in the table that is displayed beneath the chart to build your query.
  4. Click Update Query to preview your query on the Query Builder page.
    • The Potential Record Count under Query Summary reflects the expected count of records in the search result that is displayed for the selected tags.
    • Click Reset Query to delete your current selection and build the query again.
    • Click copy query icon on the Query Preview box to copy the icon for future use.
  5. Click View Results to display the search results.
  6. To build a custom query, click the SQL Query tab on the Query Builder page.
  7. Type your query in the text area provided.
    • Click the + icon on the right to select from the query field suggestions.
    • Click recent query icon to view all recent search queries that were previously used.
  8. Click View Results to display the search results.
    On the Query Result page, the search results are displayed under the Individual tab.
  9. Select the tags that are provided under the Grouped By list on the left to drill down the results further.
    The Query results are now displayed under the Condensed tab.
    • Click settings icon to edit the displayed columns from the list that appears.
    • Select a search result row and then click Generate Report to generate a report for the set of records.
    • Select a search result row and then click View Individual Records to view the records with no grouping selected.
    • Click Back to query builder to return to the query builder screen from any search query pages.