Testing the IBM Cloud Object Storage notification service

To test the IBM Cloud® Object Storage notification service, the tester can populate the IBM Cloud Object Storage vault with test data.

About this task

You can use a number of methods to write files to an IBM Cloud Object Storage vault, but you can use cURL directly on Data Cataloging platform. cURL is a computer software project that provides a library and command-line tool for transferring data that uses various protocols.


  1. Create a test file, for example, object_1.txt.

    The test file can be any file that contains data.

  2. Write a file to the IBM Cloud Object Storage vault by using cURL.

    IBM® COS Vault Name (vault1) [anonymous access enabled]
    IBM COS Accesser IP address


  • curl -X PUT -i -T object_1.txt
  • HTTP/1.1 100 ContinueHTTP/1.1 200 OK
  • Date: Fri, 04 Jan 2019 13:21:14 Greenwich mean time
  • X-Clv-Request-Id: a9ad657a-a919-4b13-9b72-961ae8c57e3c
  • Server:
  • X-Clv-S3-2.5
  • x-amz-request-id: a9ad657a-a919-4b13-9b72-961ae8c57e3c
  • ETag: "7c517c7108f7180377e7b37db2e39261"
  • Content-Length: 0