Creating collections

The administrator can create collections or assign users and groups to collections. A Collection Admin administrator can assign users and groups only to collections that they administer. A Data Admin administrator can use the AUTOTAG policy to associate metadata records with a collection.

About this task

Collections are logical groups of records. Access to these record groups is restricted to specific users or groups. The administrator can associate policies with an appropriate collection value so that searches can be restricted to only the scope that a user or group has permissions to see.

Use the Collections tab on the Access management page to create collections.


  1. From the Collections tab of the Access management page, click Create collection to open the Create Collection window.
    Figure 1. Create a Collection
    Create a Collection
  2. Enter a collection Name and the details in the Description field.
    Note: The Description field is optional.
  3. Click Start to Add Members to open the Add Members window and add one or more users or groups to the collection.
    1. Enter a username, group name, or email address of a member to include in the collection and press Enter. The window lists each name or address that you enter. Click a name or address to remove it from the list. Click Add member to add the members to the collection.
    2. Select the role for the member on the collection. The default role is Data User.

      The Members area lists the following details for the members of the collection.

      The username, group name, or email address of the member.
      The account type: user or group.
      The domain that provides authentication for the member.
      The role on the collection that is assigned to the member.
  4. To create a policy for the collection, select Create policy to tag files for this collection. For more information, see Managing metadata policies.
  5. Click Create.