Operator subscription isf-subscription not found

Message: Subscription for IBM Storage Fusion operator not found.


Note: Run all commands as a kni user from provisioner node (also known as RU7 or compute-1-ru7).
  1. Run the following command and in the output check whether the subscription with name isf-subscription exists.

    oc get sub -n ibm-spectrum-fusion-ns

    Sample output:

    NAME               PACKAGE            SOURCE                CHANNEL
    grafana-operator   grafana-operator   community-operators   v4
    isf-subscription   isf-operator       isf-catalog           v2.0
  2. If subscription does not exist, then go to /home/kni/logs and check the log file that starts with installoperator for any errors:

Next actions

Take corrective measures based on the diagnostics and rerun installation. If issue is not resolved, contact IBM support with all logs from /home/kni/ and archive that is downloaded from installation user interface.