Storage service image is not matched in the cr-version-cm configmap.



Problem description

It indicates that the storage service image is not matched in the cr-version-cm configmap. The isf-storage-services image in cr-version-cm configmap and isf-storage-service-dep pod image must match for the upgrade to be successful.

Recommended actions

Do the following steps to resolve the issue:
  1. Run the following command to check the isf-storage-services image in the cr-version-cm configmap.
    oc get cm cr-version-cm -n ibm-spectrum-fusion-ns -oyaml
  2. Run the following command to get the list of pods in the ibm-spectrum-fusion-ns namespace.
    oc get pods -n ibm-spectrum-fusion-ns
  3. Run the following command to get the image of the isf-storage-service-dep pod.
    oc get pod <pod name> -n ibm-spectrum-fusion-ns -oyaml | grep 'image:'
  4. Check whether the isf-storage-service image is same on configmap and deployment.
  5. Wait for the image to be updated. If images are different, then replace isf-storage-services deployment image with isf-storage-services image in the cr-version-cm configmap.

    The upgrade operation resumes automatically after the image mismatch is resolved.