Updating the network configuration

This topic describes how to update the network configuration.

Follow this procedure to update the network configuration of either master node or any of the worker nodes for IBM Spectrum® Discover. The process might take several hours because only one node can be completed at a time. For example:
  1. Log in to the master node as the moadmin user.
  2. Run the following command to change to the configuration directory:
    cd /opt/ibm/metaocean/configuration
  3. Run the following command to update your old_fully_qualified_hostname:
    sudo ./mmconfigappliance -a <old_fully_qualified_hostname>
  4. Update the network configuration of either the master or worker node to the new network configuration and make sure that the VM starts.
    You can use the sudo ./mmconfigappliance command to update the network configuration. For example:
    1. Log in to node that is acquiring a new network configuration.
    2. Run the following command:
      cd /opt/ibm/metaocean/configuration
    3. Run the following command to change your configuration data:
      sudo ./mmconfigappliance -n <new FQDN hostname>:<interface>:<new IP>:<netmask>:<gateway>:<dns>
  5. Run the following command to update your new_fully_qualified_hostname:
    sudo ./mmconfigappliance -b <new_fully_qualified_hostname>
    You are prompted for the moadmin password.

The old_fully_qualified_hostname must be the old FQDN of either master or worker node that is to be updated. The new_fully_qualified_hostname must be the new FQDN of either master or worker node that is to be updated. Additionally, you must run both the sudo ./mmconfigappliance -a <old_fully_qualified_hostname> and sudo ./mmconfigappliance -b <new_fully_qualified_hostname> commands on the master node.