Selecting applications for protection

You can select applications that you want to protect. When you set up your backup hub and spoke initially, the application list is empty.

Before you begin

As a prerequisite, you must have created policies.
  • Ensure one or more policies exist.
  • If you want the application VMs to be backed up and restored, then you need to ensure that the following prerequisites are met:
    • Bare Metal cluster is available
    • OpenShift Virtualization feature is installed from the Operator Hub of OpenShift® Container Platform console.
    Note: Support is available VMs based on Filesystem PVCs (PersistentVolume has the volumeMode: Filesystem defined). From 2.8 release, the Block mode volumes (volumeMode: Block) support is available as a technical preview.

    Recipes for VMs are not supported.

Ensure you are aware of the Backup & Restore service related issues before you protect your applications. For more information about issues and how to resolve them, see Troubleshooting Backup & Restore service issues.


  1. Go to Backup & Restore > Backed up applications.
  2. Click Protect apps.
    The Protect applications wizard page gets displayed.
  3. In the Select applications page, select a Hub or Spoke cluster on which you want to backup your applications.
    After you select the cluster, the number of unprotected applications on the cluster gets displayed. The applications table populates only unprotected applications and does not display applications that are already protected.
    Note: Applications using remote Global Data Platform storage are not supported for Backup & Restore.
  4. Select your application record(s). You can also select the entire list all together.
  5. Click Next.
    The Assign policies wizard page gets displayed. The table includes Name, Location, Type, Frequency, Time, Retention, and Backup now column headings. The Type indicates the supported providers, such as Microsoft Azure, IBM Cloud®, S3 compliant object storage, Amazon Web Services, and Storage protect.
  6. Select policies to assign to the applications. You can select a single to all policies for assignment.
  7. Optionally, you can turn on the Backup now toggle for a record to immediately start the backup.
  8. Click Assign.
    After the validation is successful, a success notification message is displayed. You can go to the Backed up applications page and search the applications table for the newly selected applications.