Managing user roles

The authorization or access privileges of users and user groups are defined with the help of user roles.

The following are the predefined user roles with the corresponding access levels:

Users with this role can create other users, projects, domains, and assign roles. Users with this role cannot see metadata records. This role is a default user role that is created by the system.
Users with this role can see all metadata records across projects.
Users with this role can access metadata that is collected. However, metadata access is restricted to the records that are associated with the collections to which the user has the Collection Admin or Data User role assigned.
Important: The Collection Admin role is available as a technology preview in the release. For limitations on the usage of the Collection Admin role, see the IBM Spectrum Discover Release Notes.
Users with this role can see records that are associated with projects to which they belong. This role is ideal for a researcher or data scientist.
Users with this role have read-only access to the system logs. This user role intended for service personnel.