API reference
List of all REST API references for IBM Storage Fusion HCI System.
For authentication of IBM Storage Fusion REST APIs, ensure you have a valid Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform bearer token in Authorization header:
For example,
Authorization : Bearer sha256~4rpK-5GEwvgGKnXbBtMJ9dcaRDhIqOxt5BihZ1NVt20
- Log in to Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.
- Go to Network > Routes page.
- In the Routes page, search for Console. Ensure
that you are in
project.Note: All the APIs mentioned in swagger are not applicable to IBM Storage Fusion HCI System.
IBM Storage Fusion appliance management API
- Compute APIs
- List of compute monitoring CRs
GET /api/v1/compute-monitorings
- Get a specific
CR -
GET /api/v1/compute-monitorings/<node-name>
- List of
CRs -
GET /api/v1/compute-configurations
- Enable maintenance mode for compute node
POST /api/v1/compute/update/maitenancemode/<node-name>
- Power operation for compute node
POST /api/v1/compute/update/poweroperation/<node-name>
Note: The node must be in maintenance mode before calling this API. To enable the maintenance mode, call the Enable maintenance mode for compute node API.
- Add new compute node
POST /api/v1/computeconfig
To check the added node, check the
field in the response. An empty list means that the compute node failed to add to the cluster.
- Add node to storage cluster (scale out)
PUT /api/v1/compute/scaleout
To confirm success of scale out, call the
GET compute node
- Check compute node storage
GET /api/v1/addstorage/info
- Add storage disks (scale up)
PUT /api/v1/compute/scaleup
This API is applicable only if additional storage disks are available.
For successful scale, check storage information. To check the information, call the Check compute node storage API before and after this PUT API call.GET /api/v1/addstorage/info before this.
- Networking APIs
Note: If you using Alternative network configuration, then the links related APIs are not applicable.
- List all network switches
GET /api/v1/network/switches
- List all network VLANs
GET /api/v1/network/vlans
- List all network links
GET /api/v1/network/links
- List all network switch commands
GET /api/v1/network/listcommands
- Run network switch command
GET /api/v1/networkcommands/<switch-name>/<command>
- Create new VLAN
POST /api/v1/network/vlans/rack-vlans/add/
Payload:{"vlanId":<vlan-id>,"vlanName":<vlan-name> ,"vlanType":<vlan-type>,"multipleLinks": <yes/no>}
- Update VLAN
POST /api/v1/network/vlans/rack-vlans/update/<vlan-id>
Payload:{"vlanId":<vlan-id>,"vlanName":<vlan-name> ,"vlanType":<vlan-type>,"multipleLinks": <yes/no>}
- Create new link
POST /api/v1/network/links/rack-links/add/
Payload:{"name":<link-name> ,"ports":<port>,"vlanType": <type>,"transceiver":<transceiver-value> ,aggregation":true,"nativeVlan":<native-vlan-name>,"vlanNames":<vlan-names> }
- Edit the link
POST /api/v1/network/links/rack-links/update/<uuid>
Payload:{"name":<link-name> ,"ports":<port>,"vlanType": <type>,"transceiver":<transceiver-value> ,aggregation":true,"nativeVlan":<native-vlan-name>,"vlanNames":<vlan-names> }
- Upgrade
- IBM Storage Fusion upgrade status
GET /api/v1/upgrade
- Active file management (AFM) APIs
- Retrieve the authorization token
- For the CURL command, see Active file management (AFM) fileset creation
- Retrieve the filesystem name (filesystem_name) that is mounted on the OpenShift Container Platform cluster:
curl -k -H "Authorization:Token <token retreived from the previous command>" -X GET --header 'content-type:application/json' https://<spectrum_scale_gui_route>/scalemgmt/v2/filesystems { "filesystems" : [ { "name" : "ibmspectrum-fs" } ], "status" : { "code" : 200, "message" : "The request finished successfully." }
Example:curl -k -H "Authorization:Token 07b0a89c-5a62-4b8d-b709-b5b51b2a394c" -X GET --header 'content-type:application/json' https://ibm-spectrum-scale-gui-ibm-spectrum-scale.apps.isf.ibm.com/scalemgmt/v2/filesystems { "filesystems" : [ { "name" : "ibmspectrum-fs" } ], "status" : { "code" : 200, "message" : "The request finished successfully." }
- Create AFM fileset
curl -k -H "Authorization:Token <“Token Value> -X POST --header 'content-type:application/json' --header 'accept:application/json' -d '{ "filesetName": “<"Name of fileset">”, "path": “<"filesystem mount point">/<"fileset name">", "afmTarget": “<"NFS export path">”, "afmMode": "independent-writer" }' <"Scale route URL">/scalemgmt/v2/filesystems//filesets { "jobs" : [ { "jobId" : 2000000011591, "status" : "RUNNING", "submitted" : "2023-01-12 12:33:46,219", "completed" : "N/A", "runtime" : 3, "request" : { "data" : { "afmMode" : "independent-writer", "afmTarget" : “<"NFS export path">”, "filesetName" : “<"fileset Name">”, "path" : "<"filesystem mount point">/<"fileset name">" }, "type" : "POST", "url" : "/scalemgmt/v2/filesystems//filesets" }, "result" : { }, "pids" : [ ] } ], "status" : { "code" : 202, "message" : "The request was accepted for processing." } }
Example:curl -k -H "Authorization:Token 07b0a89c-5a62-4b8d-b709-b5b51b2a394c" -X POST --header 'content-type:application/json' --header 'accept:application/json' -d '{ "filesetName": "afmScale", "path": "/mnt/ibmspectrum-fs/afmScale", "afmTarget": "nfs://", "afmMode": "independent-writer" }' https://scalemgmt/v2/filesystems/ibmspectrum-fs/filesets { "jobs" : [ { "jobId" : 2000000011591, "status" : "RUNNING", "submitted" : "2023-01-12 12:33:46,219", "completed" : "N/A", "runtime" : 3, "request" : { "data" : { "afmMode" : "independent-writer", "afmTarget" : "nfs://", "filesetName" : "afmScale", "path" : "/mnt/ibmspectrum-fs/afmScale" }, "type" : "POST", "url" : "/scalemgmt/v2/filesystems/ibmspectrum-fs/filesets" }, "result" : { }, "pids" : [ ] } ], "status" : { "code" : 202, "message" : "The request was accepted for processing." } }
- Get cache status
curl -k -H "Authorization:Token “<"Token value">” -X GET --header 'content-type:application/json' <"Scale Route URL">/scalemgmt/v2/filesystems/<"filesystem Name">/afm/state For eg:
Example:curl -k -H "Authorization:Token 07b0a89c-5a62-4b8d-b709-b5b51b2a394c" -X GET --header 'content-type:application/json' https://ibm-spectrum-scale-gui-ibm-spectrum-scale.apps.isf-racki.rtp.raleigh.ibm.com/scalemgmt/v2/filesystems/ibmspectrum-fs/afm/state { "filesetAfmStateList" : [ { "cacheState" : "Active", "filesetName" : "afmfsetnfs", "filesystemName" : "ibmspectrum-fs" }, { "cacheState" : "Active", "filesetName" : "afmpallavi", "filesystemName" : "ibmspectrum-fs" }, { "cacheState" : "Active", "filesetName" : "afms", "filesystemName" : "ibmspectrum-fs" }, { "cacheState" : "Active", "filesetName" : "cosfset1", "filesystemName" : "ibmspectrum-fs" }, { "cacheState" : "Active", "filesetName" : "afmScale", "filesystemName" : "ibmspectrum-fs" }, { "cacheState" : "Active", "filesetName" : "afmScalePal", "filesystemName" : "ibmspectrum-fs" }, { "cacheState" : "Active", "filesetName" : "afmScaleS", "filesystemName" : "ibmspectrum-fs" } ], "status" : { "code" : 200, "message" : "The request finished successfully." } }
- Get job status
curl -k -H "Authorization:Token <“<"Token Value">” -X GET --header 'content-type:application/json' <"Scale Route URL">/scalemgmt/v2/jobs/
Example:curl -k -H "Authorization:Token 07b0a89c-5a62-4b8d-b709-b5b51b2a394c" -X GET --header 'content-type:application/json' https://ibm-spectrum-scale-gui-ibm-spectrum-scale.apps.isf-racki.rtp.raleigh.ibm.com/scalemgmt/v2/jobs/2000000011591 { "jobs" : [ { "jobId" : 2000000011591, "status" : "COMPLETED", "submitted" : "2023-01-12 12:33:46,219", "completed" : "2023-01-12 12:33:55,845", "runtime" : 9626, "request" : { "data" : { "afmMode" : "independent-writer", "afmTarget" : "nfs://", "filesetName" : "afmScale", "path" : "/mnt/ibmspectrum-fs/afmScale" }, "type" : "POST", "url" : "/scalemgmt/v2/filesystems/ibmspectrum-fs/filesets" }, "result" : { "progress" : [ ], "commands" : [ "mmcrfileset 'ibmspectrum-fs' 'afmScale' --inode-space new --inode-limit '1M:50K' --allow-permission-change 'chmodAndSetAcl' -p 'afmTarget=nfs://' -p 'afmMode=independent-writer' ", "mmlinkfileset 'ibmspectrum-fs' 'afmScale' -J '/mnt/ibmspectrum-fs/afmScale' " ], "stdout" : [ "EFSSG0070I File set afmScaleS created successfully.", "EFSSG0078I File set afmScale successfully linked.\n" ], "stderr" : [ ], "exitCode" : 0 }, "pids" : [ ] } ], "status" : { "code" : 200, "message" : "The request finished successfully." } }
Serviceability APIs
- IBM Call Home APIs
- Get IBM Call Home data
GET /api/v1/callhome
GET response:{ "context": "", "clusterName": "isf-rackb", "domainName": "rtp.raleigh.ibm.com", "organization": "ABS_Corp_Dummy", "customerid": "2434-4343", "email": "test_user@in.ibm.com", "customername": "Test User", "servicetype": "fullService", "agreesprivacy": true, "customeraddress": "", "contact": "(000)-123456-78", "machineaddress": "13th Street. 47 W 13th St, New York, NY 10011, USA.", "machinezip": "123456", "machinecity": "Newyork", "machinestate": "Newyork", "machinecountry": "US", "skipCallHome": false, "isBYOS": false }
- Update IBM Call Home data
PUT /api/v1/callhome/update
The payload is the same as the response to GET Call Home Data. All the fields are mandatory, even when we plan to update a few of them. Sending an incomplete payload may result in an error.
If Call Home is not configured, then the GET does not return data.{ "agreesPrivacy": true, "servicetype": "fullService", "organization": "ABS_Corp_Dummy", "customerid": "2434-4343", "customername": "Test User", "contact": "(000)-123456-78", "email": "test_user@in.ibm.com", "machineaddress": "13th Street. 47 W 13th St, New York, NY 10011, USA. 20 Cooper Square", "machinecountry": "US", "machinecity": "Newyork", "machinestate": "Newyork", "machinezip": "123456" }
- Turn off Call Home
PUT /api/v1/callhome/turnoff
Payload:data: { removeconfig: "true" }
- Event APIs
- Get Events
GET /api/v1/eventmanager/events?${queryString}
- Get event categories
GET /api/v1/eventmanager/eventcats
- Get event stats
GET /api/v1/eventmanager/eventstats?${query}
For example, query
gets unfixed events
- Mark an event as fixed
PUT /api/v1/eventmanager/events/${eventId}
Payload:{ annotations: { isf_fixed: 'true' } }
Note: This API is applicable only for unfixed and open Call Home tickets.
- Log APIs
- Get all log collector sets
GET /api/v1/logcollector
- Create log collector set
POST /api/v1/logcollector
Payload for OpenShift Data Foundation (ODF):{ "requests": { "odf": { "type": "list-entry", "source-list": "isf-collection-sets", "list-entry": "odf-sds" } } }
returned by POST call is used for getting the status.For example:GET /api/v1/logcollector/odf-20221103062933
- Log set download
GET /api/v1/logcollector/<job-id>/results
This GET command downloads log sets.
- Delete log set
Delete /api/v1/logcollector/${jobid}
Refer to the Backup and restore (legacy) commands for the backup and restore APIs.
Services API
For Backup & Restore service APIs, see Backup and restore commands.
For Data Cataloging service APIs, see Data Cataloging REST APIs.