Managing user accounts

The administrator can add and manage local user accounts, which are authenticated by IBM Spectrum® Discover. The administrator can also assign local or LDAP and IBM Cloud® Object Storage-managed users to roles and collections.

Use the Users tab on the Access page to view information about user accounts that are authenticated by the local domain or either an LDAP or IBM Cloud Object Storage server. You can also use the tab to create, edit, or delete local users. You cannot create or delete either LDAP or IBM Cloud Object Storage user accounts, but you can assign these users to roles and collections.

Adding a local user account
To add a local user account that is authenticated by IBM Spectrum Discover, click Create new user and the Add local User window opens. For more information, see Creating user accounts.
Editing a user account
You can edit account information for a local user. You cannot edit the details of either Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) or IBM Cloud Object Storage user accounts, but you can assign these users to roles and collections.

To edit a local user account, select the user that you want to edit and click Edit. Use the Edit User window to edit the local user account.

To edit an LDAP or IBM Cloud Object Storage user account roles, select the user that you want to edit and click Edit. Use the Edit User window to assign these users to roles and collections.

Deleting a local user account
To delete a local user account, select the user that you want to delete and click Delete.

User information

The Users tab lists the users that are available from the local domain and from either LDAP or IBM Cloud Object Storage connections. The tab includes the following user account information:

User Name
Indicates the username for the account.
Indicates the domain that provides authentication for the user. For authentication by IBM Spectrum Discover, the domain name is Default.
Indicates the description of the user.
Figure 1. The Users tab
The Users tab