Processes and Logs
The Cluster Manager, at the Appliance level, the Process Overview tab displays the following list of processes SevOne NMS runs.
* Processes with an asterisk (*) in the list and the following two processes (that do not appear in the list) can be monitored via the SevOne-NMS-MIB. This provides the ability to self monitor the SevOne NMS appliance. Self monitor statistics are available in Performance Metrics report attachments and Instant Graphs when you select the localhost device and its associated indicators on which to run reports.
- SevOne-searchd - Indexes search results on the back end for the cluster wide advanced/global searches.
Processes are grouped into subsections. Some provide Stop, Start, and Restart buttons to enable you to stop and start processes. This is mainly for SevOne Support Engineers and you should not click these buttons without a strong cause.
➤ Core Processes
- *MySQL Config Server - Synchronizes the Config databases of clustered appliances.
- *MySQL Data Server - Synchronizes the Data database of clustered environments.
- nginx - Displays the SevOne NMS web user interfaces.
- PHP-FPM - PHP handler used to run PHP scripts in the SevOne NMS GUI.
- SSH Daemon - Secure shell used for remote login to operate network services securely on an unsecured network.
- Syslog - Manages the logs that appear on the System Logs tab.
➤ Optional Processes
- HTTP Proxy - Forwards VMware data among peers.
- sFlow Converter - Enables the NetFlow Collector process to receive sFlow data.
➤ SevOne Daemons
- *SevOne Data Daemon - Inserts polled data into the database.
- SevOne Data Publisher - SevOne component that listens for new data points for devices and publishes them to Apache Kafka broker or Apache Pulsar broker cluster.
- SevOne FlowDB Daemon - Processes raw NetFlow data.
- SevOne Master/Slave (Leader/Follower) Monitor - Coordinates actions between the appliances in a Hot Standby Appliance peer pair
- SevOne Message Aggregator - Handles alert messages.
- *SevOne MIB Daemon - Caches MIB information and resolves OID numbers to text.
- SevOne NetFlow Collector - Handles the NetFlow poller.
- *SevOne Realtime Scheduler - Performs high frequency polling.
- *SevOne Request Daemon - Communicates with clustered appliances to collect data for reports.
- *SevOne Scheduler - Handles poll schedules.
- SevOne Stats - Processes data for self monitoring.
- *SevOne Trap Collector - Receives and processes SNMP traps.
- *SevOne xStats Dispatch Daemon - Performs name to ID resolution for xStats devices and associates xStats data to the correct peer.
- *SevOne xStats File Collector - Reads and parses xStats files.
- SevOne xStats Ingestion Resolver Daemon - Performs name to ID resolution for xStats objects and indicators.
➤ SevOne Master / Slave (Leader / Follower) Actions
- Action: become leader - Makes the passive appliance in a Hot Standby Appliance peer pair take over and become the active appliance.
- Action: become follower - Makes the active appliance in a Hot Standby Appliance peer pair fail over and become the passive appliance.
- Action: format follower - Formats the database on the passive appliance in a Hot Standby Appliance peer pair.
➤ SevOne Scripts
- SevOne Alert Mailer - Emails alerts that are configured to be emailed when the threshold is triggered.
- SevOne Device Mover - Processes and performs device moves from peer to peer that are initiated from the Device Mover.
- SevOne Discover Script - Handles all device discovery.
- SevOne Longterm Trim - Trims historical data based on the Cluster Manager setting.
- SevOne Report Mailer - Emails reports that are scheduled to be emailed.
- SevOne Shortterm Backup - Backs up short term data that is stored in memory.
➤ SevOne Utilities
- SevOne Longterm Cacher - Caches and processes baseline data.
- SevOne Longterm Updater - Writes data stored in short term memory to the disk every two hours.
- SevOne Shortterm Trimmer - Trims short term data.
- SevOne Threshold Checker - Manages alerts.
The Cluster Manager, at the Appliance level, the System Logs tab enables you to review the log files to which SevOne NMS writes.
➤ System
- messages - Displays the generic log for all un-grouped messages.
- kern - Displays output of command /usr/bin/dmesg, which prints the kernel ring buffer.
➤ Script Logs
- SevOne-backup-config-data.log
- SevOne-backup.log
- SevOne-checkmate.log
- SevOne-device-mover.log - Displays the log of the devices that you move between the peers in the cluster
- SevOne-devices-deletion-queue.log - Displays the log of the devices that are added to the deletion queue to be deleted.
- SevOne-ffupdater.log
- SevOne-generate-admin-messages.log
- SevOne-mib-synchronize.log
- SevOne-summary-table-tool.log
- SevOne-tablecacher.log
- SevOne-top-highpolld.log
- SevOne-top-polld.log
- aggregated-netflow-rollup.log - Displays the log that states when the daily data points for aggregated flow data ran
- alertmailer.log - Displays the log of the script that emails new alerts. Look here when alert emails are not sent or received
- cacher.log
- checksshd.log
- disableUsers.log
- discover-netflow.log
- discover-schedule.log
- discover-thereshold.log - This utility runs frequently throughout the day and sends new alerts to the messageswitch daemon
- discover.log
- highfreqpoller.update-by-time.log - Displays the log of the high frequency poller to inform you of the poll status
- ipmi-message.log
- mailreports.log - Displays the log of the script that emails reports. Look here when report emails are not sent or received
- mysql-replication-maintainer-config.log - Displays logs for MySQL config database
- mysql-replication-maintainer-data.log - Displays the logs for the MySQL data database
- mysqloptimize_config.log
- mysqloptimize_data.log
- namflow.log
- periodic.shortterm.backup.log - Displays the log for the short term backup. This utility writes the status of the periodic memory-table backups that are made when a server reboots
- proxy-write-config.log
- rapid-plugins-pdf.log
- rest-api-keepalive.log
- sevone-cert-update.log
- snmpd-restart.log
- sync-ldap-groups.log
- sysuptime-normalize.log
- trim-alerts.log
- trim-bulkdlogs.log
- trim-device.log
- trim-longterm.log
- trim-mysqllogs.log
- trim-netflow.log
- trim-netflowaggregate.log
- trim-sessions.log
- trim-shortterm-netflow.log
- trim-shortterm.log
- trim-shorttermaggregate-daily.log
- trim-shorttermaggregate-hourly.log
- trim-shorttermaggregate-monthly.log
- trim-shorttermaggregate-sixhourly.log
- trim-shorttermaggregate-weekly.log
- trim-sixhourlynetflow.log
- trim-temporarytable.log
- trim-traps.log - Displays the log of the traps received. The output is in hexadecimal format
- updater.log - Displays the logs for the hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly updater. This utility writes short term memory data to disk
- updateraggregate.daily.log
- updateraggregate.monthly.log
- updateraggregate.sixhourly.log
- updateraggregate.weekly.log
- vcenterupdate.log
- write-ldap-certs.log
➤ Other Logs
- /var/date.log
➤ General Logs
- SevOne-audit.log
- SevOne-datad.log
- SevOne-device-scand.log
- ingestion/SevOne-dispatchd.log
- ingestion/SevOne-fcad.log
- SevOne-flowdb.log
- SevOne-highpolld.log
- ingestion/SevOne-ingestion-resolved.log
- SevOne-masterslaved.log - Displays information about the active appliance in a Hot Standby Appliance peer pair and its relationship with the passive appliance in the peer pair
- SevOne-mibd.log
- SevOne-netflow-cleanup.log - Displays the NetFlow daemon updater process
- SevOne-polld.log
- SevOne-requestd.log
- SevOne-searchd.log
- SevOne-statsd.log
- SevOne-topologyd.log
- SevOne-trapd.log - Displays the trap daemon
- cron.log
- discovery.log - Displays the log of the regular discovery script, which runs frequently throughout the day to discover device updates and new devices
- logrotate.log
- messageswitch.log - Displays the log of the alert handler. All new alerts come through this system
- mysql/mysqld.err
- mysql/mysql2.err
- mysql/mysqld_multi.log
- net-snmpd.log
- nginx.err
- nginx.log
- nginx/access.log
- nginx/error.log
- php-fpm.err
- php-fpm.log
- php-fpm/error.log
- php-fpm/www-error.log
- rest-api/SevOne-rest-api.log
- sdp.log
- sftp.log
- soa.log
- sshd.log
- tacc.log
- trim.log
- xStats-parsers.log
- xstats/ALU5620SAMTransform/adapter.log
- xstats/AwsTransform/adapter.log
- xstats/CanaryTransform/adapter.log