Map Flow Devices
The Device Mapping page enables you to map a SevOne device to a flow device.
To access the Device Mapping page from the navigation bar, click the Administration menu, select Flow Configuration, and then select Device Mapping.
When you enable the SNMP plugin for a device and you enable the device to send flow data to SevOne NMS, most SNMP objects are automatically mapped to their corresponding flow interface. Users have access to view devices to which the user has permission. To give a user permission to view a flow device, the user should be granted Device View access to a SevOne device that is mapped to this flow device via device mapping relation.
A device metadata attribute, NetflowDeviceIp, is applied to devices rather than objects and will be used for determining the IP address of an SNMP device when establishing the device mapping. When a device has this metadata attribute set, the default SNMP IP address of the device is overridden by the value of the metadata attribute. For details, please refer to Metadata Schema on how to add a metadata namespace and then, add a metadata attribute to it.
The list displays the mapping relationship between a device and its corresponding flow device.
- Device - Displays the name of the SevOne device.
- Flow Device - Displays the name of the device that contains the interface that sends flow data to SevOne NMS.
- Allow - Displays if the map between SevOne device and flow device is possible. If it is set to No then, no mapping is going to be applied by SevOne discovery. You may edit this field by Add/Edit Device Mapping pop-up.
- Automatic - Displays if the mapping is done manually or by SevOne discovery. This field is not editable.
- Validated - Displays all valid and invalid NetFlow entries. Valid entries are displayed as Yes and invalid entries are displayed as No in this column. When you hover over a row in this column with an invalid entry, it provides a tooltip with the exact validation failure message.
The Add/Edit Device Mapping pop-up contains three sections. The SevOne Device section enables you to select the SevOne device to which to map the flow device. The Flow Device section enables you to select the flow device. The Allow mapping section allows you to manually map the SevOne device with the flow device.
- Click Add Device Mapping or click
to display the Add/Edit Device Mapping pop-up
- In the SevOne Device section, click the Device drop-down and select the SevOne device.
- In the Flow Device section, click the Device drop-down and select the flow device.
- Select the Allow Mapping check box to manually map the SevOne device with the flow device.
- Click Save to save the mapping changes.