Object Summary

The Object Summary displays information for a specific object.

You can access the Object Summary from the following workflows: Advanced Search, Alert Archives, Alert Summary, Alerts, Device Summary, High Frequency Poller, Instant Graphs, Instant Status, Object Groups, Object Manager, Probe Manager, Status Map Viewer, TopN Reports, Topology Reports. Please refer to sections Object Groups and Probe Manager for details in SevOne NMS System Administration Guide.

object summary

The following controls appear on the Object Summary.

  • Click the 24 Hour Report drop-down and select a time span to display data for a different time span.
  • Select the Display Baselines check box to display baseline data on applicable graphs.
  • Click on a graph to add the graph as an attachment in a report on a new browser tab. You can modify reports to add other attachments and you can save reports to the Report Manager. Report workflows enable you to designate reports to be your favorite reports and to define one report to appear as your custom dashboard.

Object Information

The following information appears, when applicable.

In some cases, columns below the graph will round up the data to integer. This depends on how long the data is.

  • The device name and object name display in bold font above the statistics with the name of the plugin that polls the metrics.
  • First Seen - Displays the date and time the object was first discovered.
  • Last Discovered - Displays the date and time the object was last discovered.
  • Object Type - Displays the name of the object type to which the object is associated. Click the object name to navigate to the Object Types page.
  • Alternate Name - Displays the user-friendly alternate name assigned to the object.
  • Subtype - Displays the object subtype.
  • Index - Displays the object index.
  • Interface IP - Displays the IP address of the interface.
  • Netmask - Displays the netmask for the object.
  • Graphs for any applicable indicators appear. Each indicator determines the type of graph that displays.
  • Current messages display alerts from the object's device. Please refer to the Alerts chapter.