The Login page provides security. Contact your SevOne Data Insight user manager to create your account user name and password.
To access the Login page, navigate to the appropriate URL in your browser.
Click Learn more to see the list of browsers supported.
Click Dismiss to continue using the unsupported browser or you may switch to use a supported browser.
You will land on the SevOne NPM Quick Start page.
You will need your SevOne NMS credentials.
- SevOne NPM Details - enter IP address or hostname of the SevOne NMS cluster. For example,
- Username - enter the username used to login into the SevOne NMS user interface.
- Password - enter the password used to login into the SevOne NMS user interface.
Click Install to continue.
After the bootstrap and provision process is complete, you will be redirected to your SevOne Data Insight’s Report Manager page.
Support will take you to IBM SevOne Network Performance Management (NPM) documentation. From here, you will have access to all SevOne NPM published guides and Release Notes by release version. In addition to this, you can access IBM Support Portal, IBM Fix Central, IBM Passport Advantage, etc.
Default Sign-On - OpenID Connect is disabled
Single-Tenant setup login page
- In the Username field, enter your SevOne NMS user name.
- In the Password field, enter your SevOne NMS password.
- Click Login to log on to the application.
Multi-Tenant setup login page
- In the Tenant field, enter the tenant name you want to login to. This field appears on
the login page only when SevOne Data Insight has a Multi-Tenant setup.Note: The list of tenants is not made available due to security reasons and to prevent the tenant's information from being exposed to any user.
- In the Username field, enter your SevOne NMS user name.
- In the Password field, enter your SevOne NMS password.
- Click Login to log on to the application.
SevOne Data Insight login page may be bypassed and the login process may be automated. To automate the login process, the GraphQL authenticate endpoint is called directly to obtain a token. This token can be included in SevOne Data Insight URL to direct you to the desired location, such as a report.
Example: forcelogin.js
/* Example of Data Insight login form bypass
* 1). Retrieve an authentication token from the backend.
* 2). Append the token to any Data Insight URL (?token=...)
* The user will bypass the login form, going directly to the supplied URL.
* This example changes the url of an iframe named "myIframe", and this Function
* could be triggered by a button or load event:
* <input type="button" value="Change site" onClick="loadDI()" />
* <iframe id="myIframe" src="about:blank"></iframe>
function loadDI() {
// base url of Data insight
var di_url = 'https://data-insight.example.com';
// GraphQL query to authenticate and receive token (this could be done elsewhere)
var query = JSON.stringify({
query: 'mutation { authenticate(name:"admin", password:"12345", tenant:"TENANTNAME") { token } }',
// POST GraphQL query to Data Insight backend (/retinaserver)
fetch(di_url+'/retinaserver', {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
body: query
// Convert response to JSON
// extract token from response
var token = json.data.authenticate.token;
// add token to Data Insight URL as a parameter (here we set an iframe URL).
// https://data-insight.sevone.com?token=...
document.getElementById('myIframe').src = di_url + '?token=' + token;
- An authentication token is obtained from the GraphQL server by using your credentials. If successful, an authentication token is returned in the response which by default, is valid for an hour.
- By including the token value as a URL parameter with the parameter name, token, the desired report can be accessed directly. For example, https://<SevOne Data Insight IP address or hostname>/reports/<report id>?token=<authentication token>. Any further activity in the application extends the session as normal.
Single Sign-On - OpenID Connect is enabled
In this example, besides having the ability to login with SevOne auth, you see an Identity Provider, Okta saml, supported on the appliance.
Okta saml is only an example. Besides Log in with SevOne auth, you will see your own list of Identity Providers.
Click Log in with SevOne auth or Log in with Okta saml.
If you click Log in with SevOne auth, you will get the following display. Continue to enter your Username and Password.
If you click Log in with Okta saml, you will get the following display.
To continue, please refer to SevOne SAML Single Sign-On Setup Guide.
- In the Username field, enter your SevOne NMS user name.
- In the Password field, enter your password.
- Click Login or Sign In to log on to the application.
For additional details, please refer to SevOne Data Insight Administration Guide > Configuration > section OpenID Connect.
SevOne Data Insight Application
After successfully logging in, you are in SevOne Data Insight Application.
Click next to your user name in the left navigation bar of the page.
The blue dot () indicates that What's New contains highlights of new features, enhancements, etc. available for SevOne Network Performance Management (NPM) release. Once you have viewed the highlights, changes to .
The following options are available.
Change Theme
To change the theme, click next to your user name in the left navigation bar of the page and select Change Theme. From the pop-up, choose the theme. For example, SevOne Dark theme.
Built-in themes are SevOne Light and SevOne Dark. By default, SevOne Data Insight is set to SevOne Light theme.
Light Theme vs. Dark Theme
Change Tenant
In the screenshot above, you can see that SevOne is the tenant chosen in the left navigation bar. If you would like to switch to another tenant, click on the tenant you are currently connected to - SevOne in this example or click and select Change Tenant. You will see the Switch Tenant pop-up.
Select a tenant from the list that you would like to switch to. For example, Europa. Then, click the Switch button. As you can see in the left navigation bar, you are now connected to tenant Europa.
Change Team
Click and select Change Team to switch to another team. You will see the Switch Team pop-up.
Select a team from the list that you would like to switch to. For example, Team 3. Then, click the Switch button. As you can see in the left navigation bar, you are now on Team 3.
To sign out of all teams, click Sign out of all teams button. This button is only available if you are an admin or a super admin.
What's New?
Click next to your user name in the left navigation bar of the page and select What's New? to view the new features, enhancements, etc. available from the current SevOne NPM release.
User Guide
To view the published SevOne Data Insight User Guide, click next to your user name in the left navigation bar of the page and click User Guide.
Provides credits applied for SevOne Data Insight 7.0.0.
To log out of SevOne Data Insight, click next to your user name in the left navigation bar of the page and select Logout.
SevOne Data Insight Version
The SevOne Data Insight software version appears at the bottom of each page.