Instant Status

The Instant Status page displays the device or object hierarchy, color coded by active alert severity.

To access the Instant Status page from the navigation bar, click the Events menu and select Instant Status. You can also click anywhere in the Instant Status section on the Welcome Dashboard to access the Instant Status page.


Click the Grouping drop-down.

  • Select Device Groups to display device group level alert severity indicators.
  • Select Object Groups to display object group level alert severity indicators.

Device Group Status

By default, the Instant Status page displays device group status. If needed, click the Grouping drop-down and select Device Groups. The top level square, Overall Summary, displays the color of the highest severity alert for the devices in your network. Hierarchically below the Overall Summary are squares that represent the first level device groups in your network.

  • Click on a device group square to display lower level device groups. A gray device group square indicates that there are no devices in the device group.
  • view - Click to display a pop-up that contains squares that represent the devices in the device group. Hover the cursor over a device level square to display a tool tip that displays the device name.
  • Click on a device level square to display the following information.
    • Click Alerts to display the Alerts page.
    • Click Device Summary to display a link to the Device Summary and links to report templates that are applicable to the device.
    • Click Object Summary to display a link to the Object Summary and links to the report templates that are applicable to the object.
    • Device - Displays the name of the device.
    • Object - Displays the name of the object that triggered the alert.
    • Severity - Displays the highest alert severity for the device. If the device has no alerts, the square is green.
    • First Seen - Displays the date and time the alert was first received.
    • Last Seen - Displays the date and time the alert was most recently modified.
    • Message - Displays the alert message.

Object Group Status

The Instant Status page enables you to display object group status. Click the Grouping drop-down and select Object Groups. The Overall Summary square displays the color of the highest severity alert for the objects in your network. Hierarchically below the Overall Summary are squares that represent object classes.

  • Click on an object class square to expand the hierarchy and display the object groups in the object class. A gray object group square indicates there are no objects in the object group.
  • view - Click to display a pop-up that contains squares that represent the objects in the object group. Hover the cursor over an object level square to display a tool tip that displays the object name.
  • Click on an object level square to display the following information.
    • Click Alerts to display the Alerts page.
    • Click Device Summary to display a link to the Device Summary and links to report templates that are applicable to the device.
    • Click Object Summary to display a link to the Object Summary and links to report templates that are applicable to the object.
    • Device - Displays the name of the device.
    • Object - Displays the name of the object.
    • Severity - Displays the highest alert severity for the object. If the object has no alerts, the square is green.
    • First Seen - Displays the date and time the alert was first received.
    • Last Seen - Displays the date and time the alert was most recently modified.
    • Message - Displays the alert message.