
The Devices (Device Manager) page in Data Insight is the eventual successor to the Device Manager in SevOne NMS. At present, it enables you to quickly filter, search, sort, and export the inventory of devices SevOne monitors. It also allows quick access to related reports via Global Report Linking.

To access the page, click Devices in the left navigation bar.

Device Manager


The left panel is to add/apply the Filter. Enter the fields in the panel to apply the filter(s) on.

  1. Click the Datasource drop-down and select the SevOne NMS cluster or appliance. This is a required field.
    Note: If you are unable to connect to a datasource from the list available, you will get an error indicating that your SevOne Data Insight is unable to communicate to the selected NMS datasource.
  2. Click the Peers drop-down and select one or more peers from the drop-down. For example, select qa-b9b95.


    Important: Since 1 peer is added in field Peers, you will see Filter Count as the filter count in the upper-right corner. This means that there are 2 pieces of the information, staging-soa and staging-soa1, that the filter will be applied on.

    Device Filter

    To delete the filter(s) added, you can either:

    1. click on the peer selected, qa-b9b95. If you click Delete icon next to qa-b9b95, it will delete the peer and the filter count in upper-right corner will go away as there are no peers set in field Peers.
    2. click Delete icon to delete on Peers field to clear all peers added as a filter.
    3. click Delete icon next to Filter Count to delete all filters.
  3. Click the Device Groups drop-down and select one or more devices from the list.
  4. Click the Alerts drop-down and select one or more alert severity level (Emergency, Alert, Critical, Error, Warning, Notice, Info, Debug). For example, select Emergency, Alert, and Warning.
    Important: Since 3 alert severity levels (Emergency, Alert, and Warning) are added in field Alerts, you will see Filter Count in the upper-right corner. i.e.,
    • 1 filter added in field Peers
    • 3 filters added in field Alerts

    which results in 4 pieces of information that the filter will be applied on.

    Device Filter

    To delete the filter(s) added, you can either click Delete icon to delete one filter at a time on the field or click Delete icon to delete all filters on the field. Or, you can click Delete icon next to Filter Count to delete all filters.

  5. In the Discovery Status drop-down, select one or more discovery status. For example, New, Queued, Working, Finished, Deleting, and None.
  6. Under Technology, click Show more to view the entire list of available plugin technologies. For example, SNMP, AWS, AZURE, BULKDATA, COC, etc. Each plugin has 3 columns.
    1. Working - select the check box to filter the list of devices and display the devices where the plugin is successfully collecting the metrics.
    2. Not Working - select the check box to filter the list of devices and display the devices where the plugin is not collecting the metrics.
    3. Disabled - select the check box to filter the list of devices and display the devices where the plugin is disabled.

Based on the filter(s) selected in the examples above, the top-right and bottom-right panels reflect the results i.e., Filter Count filters have been applied.

In the top-right panel, you will see the number of devices and its respective device alerts, after the filter was applied.

Device Filte Applied

In the bottom-right panel, you will see the list of devices on which the filter was applied. Device Filter Applied

Add Device

Click Add button. You will get Add Device in the right panel.

General tab

Add Device tab General
  1. Name - enter the device name. The name must be unique on the datasource.
  2. IP Address (optional) - enter the IP address that SevOne will use to communicate with the device for various pollers such as, SNMP or ICMP.
  3. Description (optional) - enter the description for the device. This will be shown alongside the device name in the reports.
  4. Alternative Name (optional) - enter the secondary name that can be displayed to the users when the datasource option, Use Alternate Name is used.
  5. Device Groups - select one or more device groups from the drop-down list.
  6. SNMP - enter the fields below for the SNMP plugin.
    • Version - SNMPv2c is common and includes 64-bit counters and newer MIBs. If you select a version that is not compatible with the device, SevOne will try the lower SNMP versions. Choose V2C or V3.
      • Select V2C,
        • Read Community String - enter the SNMP community string for polling data.
        • Write Community String - enter the SNMP community string for writing config data to the endpoint. Typically, only required for IP SLA tests.
      • Select V3,
        • Username - enter the user name SevOne NMS needs to authenticate onto the device.
        • Password - enter the password SevOne NMS needs to authenticate onto the device.
        • Authentication Type - choose an option from the drop-down list.
          • AUTH_NONE (usmNoAuthProtocol) - to not use an authentication method to send or receive messages.
          • AUTH_MD5 (usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol) - to use MD5 authentication protocol for messages.
          • AUTH_SHA (usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol) - to use SHA authentication protocol for messages.
          • AUTH_SHA-224 (usmHMAC128SHA224AuthProtocol) - to use SHA-224 authentication protocol for messages and truncate the output to 128 bits.
          • AUTH_SHA-256 (usmHMAC192SHA256AuthProtocol) - to use SHA-256 authentication protocol for messages and truncate the output to 192 bits.
          • AUTH_SHA-384 (usmHMAC256SHA384AuthProtocol) - to use SHA-384 authentication protocol for messages and truncate the output to 256 bits.
          • AUTH_SHA-512 (usmHMAC384SHA512AuthProtocol) - to use SHA-512 authentication protocol for messages and truncate the output to 512 bits.

          If Authentication Type chosen is MD5 or a SHA-type, click and select Encryption Type from the following options in the drop-down.

          • ENC_NONE - to not use encryption to send or receive messages.
          • ENC_AES - to use the Advanced Encryption Standard encryption method.
          • ENC_AES192 - to use 192-bit Advanced Encryption Standard encryption method; uses AES key length of 192 bits.
          • ENC_AES192C - to use 192-bit Advanced Encryption Standard encryption method for Cisco devices; uses AES key length of 192 bits.
          • ENC_AES256 - to use 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard encryption method; uses AES key length of 256 bits.
          • ENC_AES256C - to use 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard encryption method for Cisco devices; uses AES key length of 256 bits.
          • ENC_3DES - to use encryption cipher; derived from the original Data Encryption Standard (DES) encryption method.
          • ENC_DES - to use the Data Encryption Standard encryption method.
          Important: If any new Cisco devices are added as AES192 or AES256, you will need to add them as AES192C or AES256C respectively.

          If you have selected Encryption Type AES or DES, then for Encryption Key field, enter the localized key the authentication protocol on the device requires to authenticate messages.

        • Context Name - enter the SNMP context name which defines a collection of management information that is accessible to an SNMP entity. Context can be a physical or logical system, a collection of multiple systems, or even a subset of a system. Only one context is allowed per device.
    • Test OID - enter a specific OID to test prior to discovering or polling the device. SNMP requests will not continue if the SNMP agent fails to respond to this OID. The default OID is ., which is the value for sysDescr.0.
    • Query Delay - enter the number of seconds to wait after each SNMP command or query during discovery and polling (decimals are supported). 0 seconds means no delay between requests. Enter a value if your device experiences performance issues as a result of SNMP polling.
    • Query Delay (on failure) - enter the number of seconds to wait after a failure of an SNMP command or query. When an SNMP query fails (an expected behavior during SNMP discovery), this is the number of seconds to wait before the SNMP plugin issues the next query. The default value is 0 seconds which means that there is no wait between queries.
    • Sync Interface Admin Status - specifies whether to use interface's Administrative status to determine if polling should occur. Choose from options Auto, True, or False.
      • Auto - to use the default cluster setting.
      • True - to disable and hide the administratively down interfaces and to enable and show the administratively up interfaces.
      • False - to poll all interfaces by default.
    • Sync Operational Status - specifies whether to use interface's Operational status to determine if polling should occur. Choose from options Auto, True, or False.
      • Auto - to use the default cluster setting.
      • True - to disable and hide the operational down interfaces and to enable and show the operational up interfaces.
      • False - to poll all interfaces by default.
  7. ICMP - enter the fields below for the ICMP plugin.
    • Packet size - enter the size of each ICMP packet used in the test. The default value is 64 bytes.
    • Packet number - enter the number of pings to perform during each polling cycle. The default value is 5.
    • Packet interval - enter the amount of time in milliseconds to wait in between each ping.
  8. WMI - enter the fields below for the WMI plugin.
    • Proxy - click the drop-down to select the WMI proxy server from which to poll WMI data for the device.
    • Username - enter the user name the proxy needs to authenticate onto the device.
    • Password - enter the password the proxy needs to authenticate onto the device.
    • Workgroup or Domain - enter the workgroup (or domain) for the device.
    • Authentication - click the drop-down to select the authentication level to use to access the device. This is typically set to Default. You may need to experiment here and select an Advanced authentication method. Settings that work in most environments are Default or Packet.
    • Impersonation - click the drop-down to select the impersonation level to use to access the device. This is typically set to either Default or Impersonate.
    • Use NTLM - select the check box if your network uses the NT LAN Manager suite of Microsoft security protocols. Kerberos has replaced NTLM as the default authentication protocol in an Active Directory based single sign-on scheme. Leave clear if your network uses Kerberos.

Advanced tab

Add Device tab Advanced
  1. Peer - click the drop-down to select the SevOne peer from which this device will be polled. If Auto is selected, SevOne will automatically place this device on the least loaded peer.
  2. Poll Frequency - enter how often SevOne will poll (in seconds) the device with plugins such as SNMP or ICMP.
  3. Enable Polling - select the check box to enable periodic polling. Disabling it will result in data loss as collection will stop.
  4. Enable Concurrent Polling - select the check box to allow multiple concurrent polling threads. It is recommended to enable the check box.
  5. Enable Thresholds - select the check box for thresholds to be created against this device.
  6. Allow Deletion - select the check box to allow device deletion.
  7. Allow xStats - select the check box to allow data to be inserted via the xStats plugin.
  8. Allow Calculation Poller Objects - select the check box to allow data to be inserted via the Deferred Data plugin.
  9. Allow Cross Object Calculation - select the check box to allow calculations to be made via the Calculation plugin.

Edit Device

Select the check box for the device you want to edit. Edit button becomes available.

Click Edit button. You will get Edit Device in the right panel. For details on the fields, please refer to section Add Device above. Fields available in General and Advanced tabs can be updated.


  • By default, the Discover drop-down is disabled. To enable the Discover drop-down, select one or more device(s) in the table below.
  • Click the Discover drop-down and select Discover to add the selected device(s) to the discovery queue. The selected device(s) are now in the discovery queue.

    If you want to cancel the discovery in progress, select Cancel Discovery from the Discover drop-down.

    To delete the selected device(s), click Discover drop-down and select Delete.
    Note: You will get a warning box to confirm deletion of the selected devices.

Additional Data

Click Hamburger icon to display the list of data columns you can choose from to appear in the device list.

Important: About columns,
  • The Device Name column is pinned to be column 1. in the table, by default. However, you can drag-n-drop any column to the left of Device Name column and the column moved is now, also pinned.
  • The device names in the Device Name column act as links and when clicked on, will display a context menu containing the available global report links.
  • The Alert Status column shows the highest severity of the alerts on the device.
  • Columns can be moved by using drag-n-drop of the column header. The order of the columns will persist.
  • From Hamburger icon drop-down, click Reset button to reset the column selections and the order to the default settings.
  • Hamburger icon drop-down contains the Metadata field names under the Metadata namespaces and also, contains the list of default columns.


To sort, click on any column header. The sort persists and stored in your browser's local storage. To clear the sort, you will need to click the header of the column until you see the inactive sort (Inactive Sort icon) icon. Some columns are not sortable; for such columns, you will not see the inactive sort (Inactive Sort icon) icon.


  • Ascending icon - this icon represents active sort in ascending order.
  • Descending icon - this icon represents active sort in descending order.
  • Inactive Sort icon - this icon represents inactive sort.


Click Down Arrow in Refresh Off to select the time based on which the summary and table data will refresh.


Click Import button drop-down and select,

  • Upload CSV - to upload the .csv file containing the device(s).
  • Download V2c Example - to import SNMPv2c devices.
  • Download V3 Example - to import SNMPv3 devices.


Click Export button drop-down and select,

  • All Devices - to export all devices in .csv format.
  • This page - to export devices on the page you are on, in .csv format.
Important: Export may take some time to load and while it is loading, you can utilize the Filter, Search, or Sort capabilities - please do not leave the page while export is in progress.


Click Maximize button button to maximize the panel with the list of devices. Click Restore button to restore to device manager page.

Table Pagination

Button / Other Description
Items per page Click the drop-down and select the number of items you want to display per page. You can choose from 50, 100, 500, or 1000 items per page.
Max items per page Indicates that device 1 - 50 out of a total of 250 devices are being displayed.
Page 1 of Total pages Indicates that you are viewing page 1 of 5 pages.