This document provides a list of questions that SevOne requires the user to respond to prior to a
fresh install. For details on compatibility, please refer to
Release Notes SevOne SDN Collector Monitoring Solution
> section
Compatibility Matrix.
Important: Please provide all of the following
details separately for each collector installation.
Prerequisites for SDN Collector |
Response |
1 |
Have you checked the license capacity on NMS to accommodate the devices and objects which
will be created by the collector? If Yes, please provide the total number of devices/objects and
other information available in your setup in the Response column. NOTE: If you are unable to locate
this information, please contact your SDN Cisco ACI System Administrator directly. |
Devices/Objects Total Number
- APICs:
- Spine Switches:
- Leaf Switches:
- Physical Interfaces:
- Port Channels:
- Tenants:
- Application Profiles:
- Endpoint Groups:
- Endpoints:
- Static Endpoint:
- Bridge Domains:
- Private Network (VRFs):
- Contracts:
- Hypervisors:
- Virtual Machines:
- External Switches:
- Tunnel:
2 |
Do you want to distribute devices created by the collector among all or some peers of the NMS
cluster? NOTE: If you want to distribute devices to some peers only then, please provide the IP
addresses / peer names of those selected peers in the Response column. |
<All / Some> <If Some, please enter IP addresses / peer names of selected
peers> |
3 |
Do you want to skip adding a prefix to the device names of Spines, Leaves, and APICs? Please
circle one option in the Response column. |
Yes / No |
4 |
Please provide the details of an individual APIC for each site along with the site name and
device name prefix in case you do not want to collect information from multi-site manager. In case
of multiple sites, please provide details for each site. NOTE: Please ensure all passwords are
available prior to the session. |
Site-1 Protocol: <enter protocol here> IP Address: <enter IP address here>
Username: <enter Username here> Password Availability: <Yes / No> Site Name: <enter
site name here> Device Name Prefix: <enter device name prefix here> Site-2 Site-3 . .
Site-N |
5 |
Do you want to filter and create alarms only for specific ACI faults? If Yes, please provide
codes for those faults in the Response column. NOTE: To search for fault codes, please refer to |
<enter codes for faults here> |
6 |
Do you want to modify the default mapping of severity? If Yes, please provide mapping details
in the Response column. NOTE: The following table represents the default mapping for severity. APIC
to SevOne NMS Severity Mapping for Alerts
Critical |
Alert |
Major |
Critical |
Minor |
Error |
Warning |
Waring |
Info |
Notice |
Cleared |
Notice |
<enter mapping details here> <Accepted keywords are emergency, alert, critical,
error, warning, notice, info, and debug>