SevOne SDN Collector Advanced Configuration & Troubleshooting Guide

This document offers detailed instructions for executing advanced configurations of the SDN collector by utilizing configuration variables. It also includes troubleshooting guidelines.

Advanced Configuration

Please refer to SDN Plugin in SevOne NMS User Guide for the APIC Connectivity details to configure the Cisco ACI solution.

Example Example - create SDN apic device
In this example, the device name for the device with SDN plugin being created is Apic and SDN plugin is enabled. After you configure the plugin and save the configuration, two files are created in /config/SDN folder. The file names are in the following format.
  1. <device-name>.yaml
  2. default-<device-name>.yaml

In our example, the device name is Apic. So, after the device is configured with SDN plugin, the two files that will get created in /config/SDN folder are:
  1. Apic.yaml
  2. default-Apic.yaml

Example: Apic.yaml (sample file)
Important: Based on SDN plugin configuration and the values entered in the fields to configure the plugin, Apic.yaml file is created. Please refrain from modifying Apic.yaml file. If you want to set or modify any configuration field, you must edit default-Apic.yaml instead.
The list of SDN plugin variables can be found in the table below.

deployment_name: Apic
version: 7.0.0
run_agents_immediately_and_exit_collector: true
  level: debug
  - InstallerAgent
  - TopologyInstallerAgent
  - PodAgent
  - NodeAgent
  - PodExtendedAgent
  - NodeExtendedAgent
  - NodeInterfaceAgent
  - MetadataAgent
  - TopologyAgent
  - DeviceDescriptionAgent
  - FaultStreamingAgent
  - ObjectGroupAgent
  - ExternalSwitchAgent
  - HypervisorAndVirtualMachineAgent
  is_multi_site_mode: false
  no_prefix: false
    name: Apic
    apic_uid: developer
    apic_password: DevTeam1234#
    device_name_prefix: MyPrefix
    fault_configuration_filename: ""
    timeout: 30s
  page_size: 10000
  sleep_time: 200
  dn_order: true
  do_nodes_traffic: true
  fault_prefix: ""
  do_pod_traffic: true
  do_virtual_traffic: false
  do_bytes: true
  do_packets: false
  skip_tunnel_if: true
  skip_off_vm: true
  skip_bad_nic: true
    schedule: ""
    schedule: ""
    schedule: ""
    schedule: ""
    schedule: ""
    schedule: ""
    schedule: ""
    schedule: ""
    schedule: ""
    insecure_tls_connection: true
    v2_api_key: eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9eyJpc3MiOiJhZG1pbiJ92wPJ-R9zaAoD3sJ95dSzN_irIaLn7E_o1SpHrkpVTOegoInNZ0r-s7zELy6GJS7bdLJuExqF9ksB4JfMHlcKJA
    v3_api_key: eyJ1dWlkIjoiYzNhMTc1NGEtZDBjMC00ZTczLWE1YzgtODk5OTBiMWMxZDQ3IiwiYXBwbGljYXRpb24iOiJTRE4iLCJlbnRyb3B5IjoiazNZN0JMWGIwWVBCbzhzcGlmdmpUbjdOOHlEenh0WFpPUktnZVZVWVRTTzQzTWtwMDZSVmozQ3p0RWFUYlZkbyJ9
  filter: []
  granular_fault_filter: []
  severity_mapping: []

Example: default-Apic.yaml (sample file)
Important: After the SDN plugin is configured and you want to set / modify the SDN plugin configuration variables, using a text editor of your choice, you may edit default-Apic.yaml.
Please see the table below for the list of SDN plugin configuration variables available.

The default log level is set to debug in the .yaml file, but if disk space usage by SDN logs becomes excessive after an upgrade, it's advisable to set the log level to info. Also, it's crucial to implement log rotation at regular intervals to maintain system efficiency and prevent disk space issues. Refer to SevOne SDN Collector Set Log Rotation for more details.

deployment_name: ""
version: 7.0.0
run_agents_immediately_and_exit_collector: true
  level: debug
  - InstallerAgent
  - TopologyInstallerAgent
  - PodAgent
  - NodeAgent
  - PodExtendedAgent
  - NodeExtendedAgent
  - NodeInterfaceAgent
  - MetadataAgent
  - TopologyAgent
  - DeviceDescriptionAgent
  - FaultStreamingAgent
  - ObjectGroupAgent
  is_multi_site_mode: false
  no_prefix: true
    name: ""
    apic_url: ""
    apic_uid: ""
    apic_password: ""
    device_name_prefix: SiteName
    fault_configuration_filename: ""
    timeout: 30s
  page_size: 10000
  sleep_time: 200
  dn_order: true
  do_nodes_traffic: true
  fault_prefix: ""
  do_pod_traffic: true
  do_virtual_traffic: false
  do_bytes: true
  do_packets: false
  skip_tunnel_if: true
  skip_off_vm: true
  skip_bad_nic: true
    schedule: ""
    schedule: ""
    schedule: ""
    schedule: ""
    schedule: ""
    schedule: ""
    schedule: ""
    schedule: ""
    schedule: ""
    insecure_tls_connection: true
    host: ""
    v2_api_key: ""
    v3_api_key: ""
  filter: []
  granular_fault_filter: []
  severity_mapping: [] 

Filter Alerts

When a device is added through a SDN plugin, by default all alerts are generated. To generate selective alerts, execute the following steps.
  1. SSH to SevOne NMS appliance as root user.
    $ ssh root@<NMS appliance>
  2. Change directory to /config/SDN.
    $ cd /config/SDN
  3. You will see two configuration files <device-name>.yaml and default-<device-name>.yaml for the device created through the SDN plugin. For example,
    $ ls
    Apic. yaml
    where, Apic is the device name of the device created in the example above.
  4. Note: If you are configuring the alerts for the first time, the fault-config values in /config/SDN/default-<device-name>.yaml file will be blank.
    Using a text editor of your choice, edit and save /config/SDN/default-<device-name>.yaml file. Please refer to the table below for details on the variables in the .yaml file.
    For example,
    $ vi /config/default-Apic.yaml file.
      - filter_on: aci_severity
        - aci-severity-1
        - aci-severity-2
      - filter_on: aci_fault_code
        - fault-code-1
        - fault-code-2
      - code: fault-code-3
        - aci-severity-3
        - aci-severity-4
      - code: fault-code-4
        - aci-severity-4
        - aci-severity-5
      - code:
        - fault-code-1
        - fault-code-2
        severity: nms-severity-1
      - code:
        - fault-code-3
        - fault-code-4
        - fault-code-5
        severity: nms-severity-2
    Save /config/SDN/default-Apic.yaml file.
Note: During the next iteration, the main config i.e., <device-name>.yaml (for example, Apic.yaml) file will incorporate the settings as configured in the default-Apic.yaml file example above.
Variable Description
aci_severity This sheet is used to provide attributes of a fault to filter on.

code: Contains ACI severities to create SevOne NMS alerts on.

  • Sheet name must be aci_severity
  • First row of every column must be a header. For example, aci_severity
fault_code This sheet is used to provide attributes of a fault to filter on.

code: Contains fault codes to create SevOne NMS Alerts on. To learn more about the fault codes, please refer to

  • Sheet name must be fault_code
  • First row of every column must be a header. For example, code
granular This sheet is used to provide attributes of a fault to filter on.

code: Contains fault codes to create SevOne NMS Alerts on. To learn more about the fault codes, please refer to

aci_severity: ACI severities that the faults with the above-mentioned fault codes need to be mapped to.

  • Sheet name must be granular
  • First row of every column must be a header. For example, code, aci_severity
severity_mapping This sheet is used if the severity of faults with certain codes needs to be mapped to a particular SevOne NMS severity.

code: Contains fault codes mapped to the severity mentioned in severity.

severity: SevOne NMS severity that the faults with the above-mentioned fault codes need to be mapped to. Accepted keywords are emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, or debug.

  • Sheet name must be severity_mapping
  • First row of every column must be a header. For example, severity, code


Where can the log files be found?

Log files can be found in /var/log/<device-name> folder. For example, /var/log/Apic folder.
  1. Go to the log folder.
    $ cd /var/log/Apic
  2. Go to version 7.0, for example.
    $ cd 7.0.0
    You are now in /var/log/Apic/7.0.0.
  3. You will find a folder for each supported agent.
  4. If you are looking for the log file for agent, DeviceDescriptionAgent, for example, then go to folder DeviceDescriptionAgent.
    $ cd DeviceDescriptionAgent
    You are now in /var/log/Apic/7.0.0/DeviceDescriptionAgent
  5. You will now find the log file <device-name>_DeviceDescriptionAgent_7.0.0.log file. For example, Apic_DeviceDescriptionAgent_7.0.0.log

Validate the SDN TopN custom views

To validate the SDN TopN custom views, login into SevOne NMS and navigate to the Reports page from the navigation bar and select TopN Reports. Next, click the Report View drop-down and select ACI and SDN Solution, you will be able to select the corresponding custom views to generate the reports as shown below. Click on Run Report button to view the reports.

Configuration Variables

YAML setting Default Value Description
msp_name ORGANIZATION MSP name for this instance. MSP is a grouping of one or more tenants. For example, ORGANIZATION.
version 7.0.0 Version of the build. For example, 7.0.0
run_agents_immediately_and_exit_collector true Will run all the agent in the include list sequentially and exit the collector.
log.level debug Log output minimum level. May be one of: debug, info, warning, error.
  • InstallerAgent
  • TopologyInstallerAgent
  • PodAgent
  • NodeAgent
  • PodExtendedAgent
  • NodeExtendedAgent
  • NodeInterfaceAgent
  • MetadataAgent
  • TopologyAgent
  • DeviceDescriptionAgent
  • FaultStreamingAgent
  • ObjectGroupAgent
Set to array of agent names to explicitly include. (required) - <enter value> Provide the site name. (required) - <enter value> APIC IP address. For example, (required) - <enter value> APIC username. (required) - <enter value> APIC password. Site Name Common prefix name for all devices. 30s The amount of seconds to wait before timing out on attempting to connect to the APIC.
vendor.is_multi_site_mode false If set to True, run the collector in multisite mode. Default setting is false.
vendor.no_prefix false If set to true, prefixes will be provided to device names.
vendor.page_size 10000 The page size to use for paginating API requests.
vendor.sleep_time 200 The time to sleep after APIC API queries in milliseconds.
vendor.dn_order true Request objects to be sorted by DN in the APIC API query.
vendor.do_nodes_traffic true Enable Node device's network statistics.
vendor.fault_prefix "" Used to specify a prefix text in the summary field of alerts that are created from ACI faults.
vendor.do_pod_traffic true Enable POD device's network statistics.
vendor.do_bytes true Collect statistics in bytes.
vendor.do_packets false Collect statistics in packets.
vendor.do_virtual_traffic false Poll for network statistics of VMs and HVs.
vendor.skip_tunnel_if true Skip polling the POD for Tunnel Interfaces.
vendor.skip_off_vm true Skip VMs that have been powered off.
vendor.skip_bad_nic true Skip VM network interfaces with an IP address of
vendor.pod_agent.schedule "" Poll pod agent devices every 10 mins.
vendor.node_agent.schedule "" Poll node agent devices every 10 mins.
vendor.pod_extended_agent.schedule "" Poll pod extended agent devices every 10 mins.
vendor.node_interface_agent.schedule "" Poll node interface agent devices every 10 mins.
vendor.node_extended_agent.schedule "" Poll node extended agent devices every 10 mins.
vendor.external_switch_agent.schedule "" Poll external switch agent devices every 10 mins.
vendor.hypervisor_and_virtual_machine_agent.schedule "" Poll hypervisor and virtual machine agent devices every 10 mins
vendor.topology_agent.schedule "" Poll topology agent devices every 10 mins
vendor.object_group_agent.schedule "" Poll object group agent devices every 10 mins. "" The hostname or IP address for SOA and REST API endpoints.
nms.api.v2_api_key "" API key used for NMS REST API authentication.
nms.api.v3_api_key "" API key used for NMS SOA authentication.
nms.api.insecure_tls_connection true Set true to enable insecure TLS connection by skipping certification verification.