SDN Logical Topology
The SDN Logical Topology widget displays Cisco ACI overcloud objects and their interconnections. For example, Tenants, Application Profiles, Endpoints, Endpoint Groups, PODs, etc.
The Data tab enables you to select the resources to graph.
Perform the following steps to set the widget settings for Data tab.
- Click the Datasource drop-down and select SevOne NMS cluster or appliance.
- Click the Device group drop-down and select one or more device groups.
- Click the Focal Device drop-down and select a focal device.
- For Number of Hops , enter the number of hops to graph from the focal device.
- Click Run to generate an SDN Logical Topology report based on the configuration.
Note: Run button is only available when one or more fields are changed in the Data tab.
Note: After generating a report
Replace Untitled Report name with an appropriate report name. For example, SDN Logical Topology Report.
Replace Untitled Section name with an appropriate name. For example, SDN Logical Topology.
The Linking tab enables you to select a data element and link it to a related report or report template. Perform the following steps to add, delete, and edit links.
Perform the following steps to set the widget settings for Linking tab.
- Include report links allows you to include the report links that you configure. Enable to include the report link that you configure. If you want to prevent the report link from being included, disable it. Continue with the steps below to configure report link(s).
- Switches for individual report links are selected by default. If you wish to exclude a specific report link, disable the switch for it.
- Use the Clicking on drop-down to select a data item that you want to link with the report or report template. When you select a data item for a report link, that data item is no longer listed as an option for other report links as it has already been used. You can apply multiple reports/report templates to the selected data item.
- Click the Links to report drop-down and select one or more reports or report templates to display when you click on the data item that you specified in the previous step.
- To remove a report link, click .
- If the report link has been deleted, you may click to add.
The Charts tab enables you to define how you want to display the report data.
The charts provide 2 visualizations.
The Table visualization displays the data as a table. Perform the following steps to set the widget settings for the Table visualization.
- Select the Table visualization by clicking .
- Enable Show title to enter the title name in the text field provided and display it in report. Else, disable it.
- Enable Show subtitle to enter the sub-title name in the text field provided and display it in the report. Else, disable it.
- Enable Show search bar to display search bar in the report. Else, disable it.
- Enable Allow column reordering to allow the columns that display in the report to be reordered.
- Enable Allow showing/hiding columns to allow columns in the report to be hidden and unhidden.
- Enable Wrap cell content to wrap long text in a data row so that all text displays. Leave clear to display as much text as fits into the cell with ellipses to indicate there is more text.
- Select the check boxes to display the selected fields as data columns in the table. The names in the second column are the names for the columns that appear in the report. You may modify the names in the second column to your choice.
- Enable Hide rows with missing data to hide rows with no data.
The Tree visualization displays data in a tree format. The focal device is the root of the tree and branches out to display objects on the first level. Each first-level object further branches out to display any objects connected to it. To collapse or expand branches, click on the node and select option Toggle Children (to toggle to node's immediate children) or Toggle Subtree (to toggle to the node's entire subtree). The root node is named after the focal device, while the other nodes are named after the objects they represent. Hover over a node to display details about it. Perform the following steps to set the widget settings for the Tree visualization.
- Select the Tree visualization by clicking .
- Click the Orientation drop-down and select Vertical for a vertically oriented tree or Horizontal for a horizontally oriented tree.
- Click the Path Type drop-down and select Straight, Diagonal, or Curve to specify the type of path to display between nodes.
- For Initial Depth, enter a number from 1 to 10 to specify how many levels are expanded initially.
- For Maximum Depth, enter a number from 1 to 10 to specify the maximum levels you can expand.
- For Space between branches, enter a number from 1 to 10 to specify the amount of space between branches.
- For Space between nodes in a branch, enter a number from 1 to 10 to specify the amount of space between the nodes of each branch.
- Select the Enable "Display All" in First Level Filter check box to provide "Display All" option from First Level Filter in report generated.
- For Node Size, enter a number to specify the size of the nodes.
- Select the Enable Collapsing check box to enable collapsing of tree branches.
- Select the Abbreviate Names check box to abbreviate the names of nodes. In the Name Length field, enter the maximum number of characters that the names can have.
- Select the Display IDs Instead of Names check box to display device IDs and object IDs instead of names.
- Select the Show Attributes check box to display radio buttons, Health Status and Metadata.
- When you select Health Status, you can perform the following actions:
- Under Show Health Score when below (%), perform one of the following actions to configure
the health status:
- Extend the bar to the right to make the health status (in percent) larger or shorten the bar to make the health status (in percent) smaller.
- Enter a number for the health status (in percent) in the field next to the bar.
- Show Most Severe Fault when above - Select any one option from the None, Warning, Minor, and Major to report faults with the severity greater than the one chosen.
- Show Most Severe SevOne Alert when above - Select any one option from the None, Warning, Error, Critical, and Alert to report SevOne alerts with the severity greater than the one chosen.
- Under Show Health Score when below (%), perform one of the following actions to configure
the health status:
- When you select Metadata, the nodes in the branches display details about the device, object, and link to the parent if any are applicable.
- Click the Show status by drop-down and select one of the following options:
- Health Score - to display data based on the average health score for the past two hours.
- Most Severe Fault - to display data based on the most severe fault for the past two hours.
- SevOne Alerts - to display SevOne alerts for the past 2 hours.
- Depending on your selection above, color scheme settings appear under the Health Scores Color Scheme or Faults Color Scheme or Alerts Color Scheme. Color schemes represent the percentage ranges of the Health Score or Most Severe Fault or SevOne Alerts. To change the color for a range, click the color box to display a color palette and select a new color.
- Click the Show status by drop-down and select one of the following options:
- In the report generated, perform the following actions:
- Click the First Level Filter drop-down and select a node from the list. Only first-level nodes are included here. When you select a node, only the corresponding branch remains visible.
- Click the Application Profile Filter drop-down and select a profile from the list.
- Select the Show Bridge Domain check box to choose a bridge domain from Bridge Domain Filter drop-down.
- Select the Show Private Network check box to choose a private network from Private Network Filter drop-down.
- Click the End Point Group Filter drop-down and choose an endpoint group filter.
- Click the End Point Filter drop-down and choose an endpoint filter.
- For Node Filter, enter text in the text field to enable the filter. Then press Enter or click outside of it. Unlike the First Level Filter, the Node Filter applies to all levels. Upon activating this filter, only nodes matching the filter criteria and their sub-nodes will appear. To disable the filter, erase the text in the text field and press Enter or click outside of it.
- Click the Show status by drop-down and select one of the following options:
- Health Score - to display data based on the average health score for the past two hours.
- Most Severe Fault - to display data based on the most severe fault for the past two hours.
- SevOne Alerts - to display SevOne alerts for the past 2 hours.
- Click the Color Scheme Filter drop-down to display the report based on the filter chosen. This restricts the displayed nodes to the ones that match the particular range of the status entity.
- Click the Refresh Tree button to apply the actions taken in the report generated.