SD-WAN Viptela Collector Pre-Deployment Guide


This document describes the steps to deploy SD-WAN Viptela collector with the OVA image (.ova) on your own Linux machines using VMware.

When you are using the SD-WAN Viptela collector .ova on your own Linux servers, SevOne recommends three nodes - one control plane node and two agent nodes.

Note: Please contact IBM SevOne Support for any concerns.

For a POV lab environment, a single-node deployment can be used.
Terminology usage...
In this guide if there is,
  • [any reference to master] OR
  • [[if a CLI command (for NMS or Kubernetes or Redis) contains master] AND/OR
  •  [its output contains master]],
   it means leader or control plane.

And, if there is any reference to slave or worker, it means follower or agent.


IP Range Conflicts

If the SD-WAN collector Virtual Machine that you are provisioning conflicts with any of the default IP ranges listed below, you will need to customize your deployment. Please contact IBM SevOne Support before continuing.

Note: For IP Range Conflicts, please refer to SD-WAN Viptela Collector Use-Cases Guide > section Use-Cases > subsection Handle IP Conflicts for both fresh provisioning and existing clusters.
IP Address IP Range Description - Pod IP addresses (Docker) - Service IP addresses (Weavenet) n/a Cluster DNS (Kubernetes Services)- must be in Service's range

SD-WAN .ova Requirements

The following requirements apply to each Viptela node.

CPU 8 CPU(s)
Memory 32 GB
Hard Disk 250 GB
Network Adapter Single network interface

Deploy OVA

To deploy the SD-WAN collector .ova, deploy it on each Linux machine you plan to install SD-WAN collector on. For details, please refer to Deploy an OVF or OVA Template (

Save OVA

  1. SD-WAN collector .ova file can be downloaded from IBM Passport Advantage ( via Passport Advantage Online. However, if you are on a legacy / flexible SevOne contract and do not have access to IBM Passport Advantage but have an active Support contract, please contact IBM SevOne Support for the .ova file.
  2. Save the .ova to a folder on your server.

Deploy on AWS

AWS Instance Types for SD-WAN

License AWS Instance Type Primary Disk (GiB) Data Disk (GiB)
SD-WAN Solution
  • m5.2xlarge
  • m6i.2xlarge
250 n/a

Download the OVA images from IBM Passport Advantage ( via Passport Advantage Online. However, if you are on a legacy / flexible SevOne contract and do not have access to IBM Passport Advantage but have an active Support contract, please contact IBM SevOne Support.

For NMS, *_CentOS_v<6.x.x>-ami.ova and for SD-WAN, sevone_solutions_sdwan_viptela-v<6.x.x>-build.<xx>.ova, you may create your own AMIs.

Please refer to SevOne Data Platform Deployment on Amazon Web Services guide for details on how to perform the deployment.

Note: The root disk should be 250 GiB for SD-WAN as shown in AWS Instance Types for SD-WAN table above.

Please refer to SD-WAN Viptela Collector Deployment / Configuration Guide for details to access the new instance via SSH.

Deploy on Azure

Azure Instance Types for SD-WAN

License Azure Instance Type Primary Disk (GiB) Data Disk (GiB)
SD-WAN Solution Standard_D8s_v3 250 n/a

Download the OVA / VHD images from IBM Passport Advantage ( via Passport Advantage Online. However, if you are on a legacy / flexible SevOne contract and do not have access to IBM Passport Advantage but have an active Support contract, please contact IBM SevOne Support.

For NMS, *_CentOS_v<6.x.x>-ami.ova and for SD-WAN, sevone_solutions_sdwan_viptela-v<6.x.x>-build.<xx>.vhd.gz, you may create your own AMIs.

Please refer to SevOne Data Platform Deployment on Microsoft Azure guide for details on how to perform the deployment.

Note: The root disk should be 250 GiB for SD-WAN as shown in Azure Instance Types for SD-WAN table above.

Please refer to SD-WAN Viptela Collector Deployment / Configuration Guide for details to access the new instance via SSH.

Note: SevOne recommends you to discover each new appliance from SevOne NMS using the SNMP community strings.

Configure Network Settings

Perform the following steps to configure the network settings manually.

  1. Execute the following commands to display the NetworkManager TUI.
    A working DNS configuration is a requirement for any SD-WAN collector deployment. Otherwise, SD-WAN collector will not work.

    Please refer to SD-WAN Viptela Collector Troubleshooting Guide > Troubleshooting > section Domain Name Resolution (DNS) not working for details.
    $ sudo -i
    $ nmtui
  2. At the prompt [sudo] password for sevone:, enter the password for the sevone user.
  3. Select Edit a connection.
    nmtui Select Interface
  4. Select the Ethernet interface (not the Docker Bridge).
  5. Select <Edit...>.
    nmtui Edit Connection
  6. Go to IPv4 CONFIGURATION and change <Automatic> to <Manual>.
  7. Select <Show> for IPv4 CONFIGURATION.
    nmtui Edit Connection Show IPv4
  8. Configure the following settings for IPv4 CONFIGURATION as well as any other settings relevant to your network.
    1. Addresses
    2. Gateway
    3. DNS servers
    4. Search domains
  9. Confirm that the following options are selected.
    1. Automatically connect
    2. Available to all users
  10. Click OK.

Set Chrony (NTP Servers) and SNMP

  1. Copy chrony.example.conf and snmpd.example.conf files.
    $ sudo cp /etc/chrony.example.conf /etc/chrony.conf
    $ sudo cp /etc/snmp/snmpd.example.conf /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
  2. Using a text editor of your choice, edit /etc/chrony.conf and/or /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf files to customize your configuration settings.
  3. Change the hostname. For details, please refer to SD-WAN Viptela Collector Use-Cases Guide > Use-Cases > section Change Hostname.
    • To change the hostname of a node, you must first teardown your Kubernetes cluster by running $ sevone-cli cluster down command.
    • The hostnames set below are examples only and are used as examples in the SD-WAN guides. Please set your own hostnames in your environment.
  4. On the control plane node, update /etc/ansible/hosts with your new hostname.


    $ vi /etc/ansible/hosts
    sdwan-node01 ansible_connection=local
  5. If you have agent nodes, update their hostnames as well.


    sdwan-node01 ansible_connection=local
    sdwan-node02 ansible_user=sevone ansible_host=
    sdwan-node03 ansible_user=sevone ansible_host=
  6. Spins up your Kubernetes cluster for the configuration settings to take effect.
    $ sevone-cli playbook up
    Note: The message FAILED - RETRYING: Wait for k3s server to be up means that k3s is trying to come up and it may take a long time. If all retries are exhausted and k3s is unable to come up, the command will fail automatically. Please contact IBM SevOne Support for help.

    Viptela Collector


    $ kubectl get pods
    NAME                                                 READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
    solutions-sdwan-viptela-redis-node-0                 2/2     Running     0          8d
    solutions-sdwan-viptela-redis-node-1                 2/2     Running     0          8d
    solutions-sdwan-viptela-redis-node-2                 2/2     Running     0          8d
    solutions-sdwan-viptela-upgrade-bptq4                0/1     Completed   0          8d
    solutions-sdwan-viptela-collector-68fc697bf8-xcgvd   1/1     Running     0          8d
    solutions-sdwan-viptela-aug-c55fd7d6-mbzvf           1/1     Running     0          8d
    solutions-sdwan-viptela-create-keys-3-fkmzz          0/1     Completed   0          8d


    $ kubectl get nodes  
    NAME               STATUS   ROLES                  AGE   VERSION
    sdwan-viptela-01   Ready    control-plane,master   16m   v1.27.1+k3s1
Note: SevOne recommends you to discover each new appliance from SevOne NMS using the SNMP community strings.
Note: A Single Node is now ready for you to deploy the SD-WAN collector.