SD-WAN Versa Collector Prerequisites & Common Questions
This document provides a list of questions that SevOne requires the user to respond to prior to a fresh install or an upgrade. For details on compatibility, please refer to Release Notes SD-WAN Collector > Resources & Requirements > section Compatibility Matrix.
Network Requirements
- Ports exposed on Collector Server
Inbound Port Description 9992 Flow syslogs from Versa devices 50001 Versa Syslogs from Versa Analytics server - Collector Outbound Connections
Address Outbound Port Description Versa server 8443 Versa Director API NMS server 443 NMS API NMS DNC server 9996 Flow Augmentor output
for Fresh Installs only
Prerequisites for Versa Fresh Installs Only | Response | |
1 | Please provide the output of Versa sizing script to confirm the license capacity of SevOne NMS. | <enter results here> |
2 |
Have you verified the checksum of the installer file?
NOTE: If you do not know how to verify the checksum, please refer to SD-WAN Versa Collector Upgrade Process Guide > section Upgrade Versa Collector using Graphical User Interface > Step 5. If you are still not able to verify the checksum, please contact IBM SevOne Support. |
Yes / No |
3 |
Please provide the following information.
4 |
Please provide the following information related to vDirector.
5 | Please provide the collector node IP address(es). | <enter IP address(es)> |
6 | Does ICMP connectivity exist between the collector and the nameserver? | Yes / No |
7 |
Have you performed the health check on your SevOne NMS cluster to ensure that all
critical services are up and running with no potential issues? If Yes, please share
the results in the Response column.
NOTE: Execute |
<enter results here> |
8 |
Have you checked the reachability of vDirector from the collector PAS?
If Yes, please share the result of curl command in the Response column. NOTE: Please check the reachability by running the following command: curl 'https://<vDirector-host>:9182/vnms/dashboard/navTree' -k -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' -u '<vdirector-username>:<vdirector-password>'If you do not have access to shell prompt, please contact IBM SevOne Support. |
<enter output of curl command> |
9 |
Please provide the Managed Service Provider (MSP) name for the configured vDirector.
NOTE: For MSP Name, choose an arbitrary name for this field, to logically group the devices created by the SD-WAN solution. This name will be used to create a device group containing all tenants and their sites along with the devices which are created by the collector. |
<enter details here> |
10 |
Do you want to distribute devices created by the collector among all or some peers of the NMS cluster?
NOTE: If you want to distribute devices to some peers only then, please provide the IP addresses / peer names of those selected peers in the Response column. |
<All / Some>
<If Some, please enter IP addresses / peer names of selected peers> |
11 |
Do you want to prevent suffixing the device names (created by collector) with the
tenant name? Please circle one option in the Response column. If yes, please ensure
that all device hostnames are unique across all tenants.
NOTE: This setting cannot be changed in subsequent upgrades. |
Yes / No |
12 | Please provide the number of parent and child tenants available in the system and the relationship between them. | <enter number of parent and child tenants available and their relationship details> |
13 | Are devices available under the Parent organization? If Yes, do you want to collect stats for those devices? Please circle one option in the Response column. | Yes / No |
14 | Do you want to populate the SLA details in metadata? Please circle one option in the Response column. | Yes / No |
15 | Is NTP synchronization enabled on the PAS, collector/augmentor, and vDirector? Please circle one option in the Response column. | Yes / No |
16 |
Have the below syslog message types been configured within the vAnalytics Log Exporter
to send UDP data to the collector on port 50001 and is port 50001 on the collector machine
receiving these syslog UDP messages?
NOTE: syslog messages must be in key-value-pair format. |
Yes / No |
17 |
Do you want to monitor flow? Please circle one option in the Response column.
If YES, has the flow-log syslog message type been configured within the vAnalytics Log Exporter to send UDP data to the DNC on port 9992 and is port 9992 on the DNC receiving flow-log UDP messages? NOTE: syslog messages must be in key-value-pair format. |
Yes / No |
18 | Please highlight any detail that must be addressed during the fresh installation session. | <enter details> |
for Upgrades only
Prerequisites for Versa Upgrades Only | Response | |
1 | Please provide the output of Versa sizing script to confirm the license capacity of SevOne NMS. | <enter results here> |
2 | Please provide NPM version being installed. | <enter version here> |
3 |
Have you verified the checksum of the installer file?
NOTE: If you do not know how to verify the checksum, please refer to SD-WAN Versa Collector Upgrade Process Guide > section Upgrade Versa Collector using Graphical User Interface > Step 5. If you are still not able to verify the checksum, please contact IBM SevOne Support. |
Yes / No |
4 |
Please provide the following information.
5 | Please provide the collector node IP address(es). | <enter IP address(es)> |
6 | Does ICMP connectivity exist between the collector and the nameserver? | Yes / No |
7 |
Have you performed the health check on your SevOne NMS cluster to ensure that all
critical services are up and running with no potential issues?
If Yes, please share the results in the Response column. NOTE: Execute |
<enter results here> |
8 |
Is there any port available for GUI Installer and API?
<Yes / No>
<If Yes, please provide the port number for GUI Installer and API> |
9 | Please highlight any detail that must be addressed during the upgrade session. | <enter details> |