
The list below shows the description of all the queries, mutations, subscriptions, and types, and the permissions required to access them.


Permission Required
alerts None
clusterSettings None
currentUser None
datasources viewAllDatasources
devices None
deviceGroups None
entityMetadata None
flatObjectGroups None
flow None
flowDevices None
flowDirections None
flowFields None
flowInterfaces None
flowObjectMappings None
flowViews None
folders viewAllUsers View folders owned by a specified user.
viewTenantUsers View folders owned by a specified tenant user.
viewAllTenants View folders owned by a specified tenant.
None View folders owned by the current user.
httpProxy None
indicator None
indicatorType None
isMultiTenant None
liveMapsNodes None
maintenanceWindows None
metrics None
networkSegments None
objects None
objectGroups None
objectMetadata None
objectTypes None
permissions None
plugins None
pm None
reports viewTenantReports View any report in the current tenant.
viewPersonalReports View any report owned by the current user.
reportLinks None
reportSnapshots None
reportSnapshotsData None
roles assignRoles
savedQueries None
teams None
teamUsers viewTeamUsers Fetch list of users for a team.
tenants viewAllTenants View any tenant.
None View the current tenant.
tenantEmailSettings - manageEmailSettings
- configureScheduledReports
tenantFtpSettings - manageFtpSettings
- configureScheduledReports
tenantLogos manageAllLogos View logos for any Tenant.
None View logos for the current tenant.
themes manageAllThemes View themes for any tenant.
None View themes for the current tenant.
timezones None
topN None
topNViews None
topology None
users - modifyPersonalReports
- modifyTenantReports
- viewAllUsers
- viewTenantUsers
Must have one or more of these to view users in the current tenant.
viewAllUsers Required to view a user in a different tenant.
userDatasourcePermissions viewAllUsers View datasource permissions for user in different tenant.
viewTenantUsers View datasource permissions of a different user in the current tenant.
None View datasource permissions for the current user.
userPasswords viewAllUsers View user password information for user in different tenant.
viewTenantUsers View user password information for different user in the current tenant.
userPreferences viewAllUsers View user preferences for user in different tenant.
viewTenantUsers View user preferences for different user in the current tenant.
None View user preferences for the current user.
userTeams None Fetches teams for current users.


Mutation Permission Required Notes
addTenantDatasource updateAllTenants
addTenantTheme manageAllThemes
addUserRole assignSuperAdminRole Required in order to assign any of the super roles.
assignTenantAdminRole Required in order to assign the tenant admin role.
assignRoles Required in order to assign any other roles.
modifyAllUsers Required in order to add a role to a user in a different tenant.
authenticate None
createDatasource modifyDatasources
createFolder createReport
manageAllUsers Create a folder owned by a different user.
manageTenantUsers Create a folder owned by a different tenant user.
manageAllTenant Create a folder for a user in a different tenant.
createReport createReport
manageTenantReports Create a report owned by a different user.
createRole assignSuperAdminRole
createSavedQuery None
createSnapshot None
createTeam createDeleteTeam
createTenant createDeleteTenant
createTenantLogo manageAllLogos Create logo for different tenant.
manageTenantLogos Create logo for the current tenant.
createTheme manageAllThemes Create theme for different tenant.
manageTenantThemes Create theme for the current tenant.
createUserPassword modifyAllUsers Create user password information for user in different tenant.
modifyTenantUsers Create user password information for user in the current tenant.
createUserPreferences modifyAllUsers Create user preferences for user in different tenant.
modifyTenantUsers Create user preferences for user in the current tenant.
None Create user preferences for the current user.
deauthenticate None
deleteDatasource modifyDatasources
deleteFolder createReport
manageAllUsers Delete a folder owned by a different user.
manageTenantUsers Delete a folder owned by a different tenant user.
manageAllTenants Delete a folder owned by a user in a different tenant.
deleteReport modifyTenantReports Delete any report owned by user in the current tenant.
modifyPersonalReports Delete any report owned by the current user.
deleteReportLinks manageReportLinks
deleteRoles assignSuperAdminRole
deleteSavedQuery None
deleteTeam createDeleteTeam
deleteTenant createDeleteTenant
deleteTenantLogos manageAllLogos Delete any logos.
manageTenantLogos Delete any logos in the current tenant.
deleteThemes manageAllThemes Delete any theme.
manageTenantThemes Delete themes assigned to the current tenant.
deleteUserDatasourcePermissions modifyAllUsers
deleteUserPassword modifyAllUsers Delete user password information for user in different tenant.
modifyTenantUsers Delete user password information for user in the current tenant.
deleteUserPreferences modifyAllUsers Delete user preferences for user in different tenant.
modifyTenantUsers Delete user preferences for user in the current tenant.
exportReports viewTenantReports Export any report in the current tenant.
viewPersonalReports Export a report owned by the current user.
importReports createReport
viewTenantReports Link to any report in the current tenant.
viewPersonalReports Link to any report owned by the current user.
keepAlive None
liveMapsAddNodes None
liveMapsPauseNodes None
liveMapsRemoveNodes None
liveMapsUnpauseNodes None
liveMapsUnpauseSubscription None
proxyAuthenticate None
regenerateToken None
removeTenantDatasource updateAllTenants
removeTenantTheme manageAllThemes
removeUserRole assignSuperAdminRole Required in order to remove any of the super roles.
assignTenantAdminRole Required in order to remove the tenant admin role.
assignRoles Required in order to remove any other roles.
modifyAllUser Required in order to remove a role from a user in a different tenant.
roleAddPermission assignSuperAdminRole
roleRemovePermission assignSuperAdminRole
setTeamDatasources updateTeam Set the datasources for a given team.
setTeamUsers modifyTeamUsers Set a list of users on a given team.
setTenantDefaultLogo updateAllTenants Set default logo for any tenant.
manageTenantThemes Set default theme for the current tenant.
setTenantEmailSettings manageEmailSettings
setTenantFtpSettings manageFtpSettings
setReportSchedule configureScheduledReports
manageAllUsers Schedule a report for a different user.
setUserDatasourcePermissions modifyAllUsers
setUserTeams modifyTeamUsers Set a list of teams for a given user.
switchTenant switchTenant
switchTeam None
tenantFtpVerifyCredentials manageFtpSettings
testTenantEmailSettings manageEmailSettings
updateAcl modifyTenantReports Update the ACL for any user.
None Update the ACL for the current user.
updateTeam updateTeam
updateDatasource modifyDatasources
updateFolder createReport
manageAllUsers Update a folder owned by a different user.
manageTenantUsers Update a folder owned by a different tenant user.
manageAllTenants Update a folder owned by a user in a different tenant.
updateReport modifyTenantReports Update any report in the current tenant.
modifyPersonalReports Update any report owned by the current user.
updateReportLinks manageReportLinks
updateRole assignSuperAdminRole
updateSavedQuery None
updateTenant updateAllTenants
updateTenantDatasource updateAllTenants
updateTenantLogo manageAllLogos Update any logo for any tenant.
manageTenantLogos Update any logo for the current tenant.
updateTheme manageAllThemes Update any theme for any tenant.
manageTenantThemes Update any theme for the current tenant.
updateUserPassword modifyAllUsers Update the password for user in different tenant.
modifyTenantUsers Update the password for user in the current tenant.
None Update the password for the current user.
updateUserPreferences modifyAllUsers Update user preferences for user in different tenant.
modifyTenantUsers Update user preferences for user in the current tenant.
None Update user preferences for the current user.


Subscription Permission Required
liveMaps None


Type Field Permission Required Notes
FolderType owner None No permissions required to see the owner of the folder.
ReportLinkType reports viewTenantReports
Report owner None No permissions required to see the owner of the report.
ThemeDetails tenants viewAllTenants Required if the theme is assigned to a different tenant than the current user.
UserDetails tenant viewAllTenants Required if the user is not the current user.
None Can view the tenant if the user if the current user.