Class HybridRACFPrivateKey

  • All Implemented Interfaces:,,,,,,

    public class HybridRACFPrivateKey
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class represents an RSA key object that was retrieved from RACF and potentially contains both the Software JCE and IBMJCECCA representations of the key from RACF.

    This key is intended to be used only by various algorithms within the IBMJCEHYBRID provider.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Summary

      • Fields inherited from interface

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      HybridRACFPrivateKey​( IBMJCECCAPrivateKey, softwareJCEPrivateKey)
      Constructor of this key type.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.String getAlgorithm()
      This function makes the equivilant underlying call to the Software JCE private key object contained within this instance of the HybridRACFPrivateKey class.
      java.math.BigInteger getCrtCoefficient()
      This function makes the equivilant underlying call to the Software JCE private key object contained within this instance of the HybridRACFPrivateKey class.
      byte[] getEncoded()
      This function makes the equivilant underlying call to the Software JCE private key object contained within this instance of the HybridRACFPrivateKey class.
      java.lang.String getFormat()
      This function makes the equivilant underlying call to the Software JCE private key object contained within this instance of the HybridRACFPrivateKey class. getIBMJCECCAPrivateKey()
      Method to get the value of the IBMJCECCA representation of this key. getIBMJCEPrivateKey()
      Use getSoftwareJCEPrivateKey() instead Exists for backwards compatibility since IBMJCE is not on Java 11.
      java.math.BigInteger getModulus()
      This function makes the equivilant underlying call to the Software JCE private key object contained within this instance of the HybridRACFPrivateKey class.
      java.math.BigInteger getPrimeExponentP()
      This function makes the equivilant underlying call to the Software JCE private key object contained within this instance of the HybridRACFPrivateKey class.
      java.math.BigInteger getPrimeExponentQ()
      This function makes the equivilant underlying call to the Software JCE private key object contained within this instance of the HybridRACFPrivateKey class.
      java.math.BigInteger getPrimeP()
      This function makes the equivilant underlying call to the Software JCE private key object contained within this instance of the HybridRACFPrivateKey class.
      java.math.BigInteger getPrimeQ()
      This function makes the equivilant underlying call to the Software JCE private key object contained within this instance of the HybridRACFPrivateKey class.
      java.math.BigInteger getPrivateExponent()
      This function makes the equivilant underlying call to the Software JCE private key object contained within this instance of the HybridRACFPrivateKey class.
      java.math.BigInteger getPublicExponent()
      This function makes the equivilant underlying call to the Software JCE private key object contained within this instance of the HybridRACFPrivateKey class. getSoftwareJCEPrivateKey()
      Method to get the value of the Software JCE representation of this key.
      void setIBMJCECCAPrivateKey​( IBMJCECCAPrivateKey)
      Method to set the value of the IBMJCECCA representation of this key.
      void setIBMJCEPrivateKey​( IBMJCEPrivateKey)
      Use setSoftwareJCEPrivateKey(PrivateKey) instead Exists for backwards compatibility since IBMJCE is not on Java 11.
      void setSoftwareJCEPrivateKey​( softwareJCEPrivateKey)
      Method to set the value of the Software JCE representation of this key.
      java.lang.String toString()
      Returns a string representation of the key in human readable format.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
      • Methods inherited from interface

        destroy, isDestroyed
      • Methods inherited from interface

    • Constructor Detail

      • HybridRACFPrivateKey

        public HybridRACFPrivateKey​( IBMJCECCAPrivateKey,
        Constructor of this key type. Constructs a HybridRACFPrivateKey key given the IBMJCECCA and Software JCE representations of the key.
        IBMJCECCAPrivateKey - the IBMJCECCA private key representation of this key.
        softwareJCEPrivateKey - the Software JCE private key representation of this key.
    • Method Detail

      • getPublicExponent

        public java.math.BigInteger getPublicExponent()
        This function makes the equivilant underlying call to the Software JCE private key object contained within this instance of the HybridRACFPrivateKey class. This key value is set during construction or by the setSoftwareJCEPrivateKey method call. If no Software JCE private key object is available the same subsequent call will be made on the IBMJCECCA private key object. This object is also set during construction or by the set IBMJCECCAPrivateKey method.
        Specified by:
        getPublicExponent in interface
      • getPrimeExponentQ

        public java.math.BigInteger getPrimeExponentQ()
        This function makes the equivilant underlying call to the Software JCE private key object contained within this instance of the HybridRACFPrivateKey class. This key value is set during construction or by the setSoftwareJCEPrivateKey method call. If no Software JCE private key object is available the same subsequent call will be made on the IBMJCECCA private key object. This object is also set during construction or by the set IBMJCECCAPrivateKey method.
        Specified by:
        getPrimeExponentQ in interface
      • getPrimeExponentP

        public java.math.BigInteger getPrimeExponentP()
        This function makes the equivilant underlying call to the Software JCE private key object contained within this instance of the HybridRACFPrivateKey class. This key value is set during construction or by the setSoftwareJCEPrivateKey method call. If no Software JCE private key object is available the same subsequent call will be made on the IBMJCECCA private key object. This object is also set during construction or by the set IBMJCECCAPrivateKey method.
        Specified by:
        getPrimeExponentP in interface
      • getPrimeQ

        public java.math.BigInteger getPrimeQ()
        This function makes the equivilant underlying call to the Software JCE private key object contained within this instance of the HybridRACFPrivateKey class. This key value is set during construction or by the setSoftwareJCEPrivateKey method call. If no Software JCE private key object is available the same subsequent call will be made on the IBMJCECCA private key object. This object is also set during construction or by the set IBMJCECCAPrivateKey method.
        Specified by:
        getPrimeQ in interface
      • getPrimeP

        public java.math.BigInteger getPrimeP()
        This function makes the equivilant underlying call to the Software JCE private key object contained within this instance of the HybridRACFPrivateKey class. This key value is set during construction or by the setSoftwareJCEPrivateKey method call. If no Software JCE private key object is available the same subsequent call will be made on the IBMJCECCA private key object. This object is also set during construction or by the set IBMJCECCAPrivateKey method.
        Specified by:
        getPrimeP in interface
      • getCrtCoefficient

        public java.math.BigInteger getCrtCoefficient()
        This function makes the equivilant underlying call to the Software JCE private key object contained within this instance of the HybridRACFPrivateKey class. This key value is set during construction or by the setSoftwareJCEPrivateKey method call. If no Software JCE private key object is available the same subsequent call will be made on the IBMJCECCA private key object. This object is also set during construction or by the set IBMJCECCAPrivateKey method.
        Specified by:
        getCrtCoefficient in interface
      • getPrivateExponent

        public java.math.BigInteger getPrivateExponent()
        This function makes the equivilant underlying call to the Software JCE private key object contained within this instance of the HybridRACFPrivateKey class. This key value is set during construction or by the setSoftwareJCEPrivateKey method call. If no Software JCE private key object is available the same subsequent call will be made on the IBMJCECCA private key object. This object is also set during construction or by the set IBMJCECCAPrivateKey method.
        Specified by:
        getPrivateExponent in interface
      • getModulus

        public java.math.BigInteger getModulus()
                                        throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
        This function makes the equivilant underlying call to the Software JCE private key object contained within this instance of the HybridRACFPrivateKey class. This key value is set during construction or by the setSoftwareJCEPrivateKey method call. If no Software JCE private key object is available the same subsequent call will be made on the IBMJCECCA private key object. This object is also set during construction or by the set IBMJCECCAPrivateKey method.
        Specified by:
        getModulus in interface
      • getEncoded

        public byte[] getEncoded()
        This function makes the equivilant underlying call to the Software JCE private key object contained within this instance of the HybridRACFPrivateKey class. This key value is set during construction or by the setSoftwareJCEPrivateKey method call. If no Software JCE private key object is available the same subsequent call will be made on the IBMJCECCA private key object. This object is also set during construction or by the set IBMJCECCAPrivateKey method.
        Specified by:
        getEncoded in interface
      • getFormat

        public java.lang.String getFormat()
        This function makes the equivilant underlying call to the Software JCE private key object contained within this instance of the HybridRACFPrivateKey class. This key value is set during construction or by the setSoftwareJCEPrivateKey method call. If no Software JCE private key object is available the same subsequent call will be made on the IBMJCECCA private key object. This object is also set during construction or by the set IBMJCECCAPrivateKey method.
        Specified by:
        getFormat in interface
      • getAlgorithm

        public java.lang.String getAlgorithm()
        This function makes the equivilant underlying call to the Software JCE private key object contained within this instance of the HybridRACFPrivateKey class. This key value is set during construction or by the setSoftwareJCEPrivateKey method call. If no Software JCE private key object is available the same subsequent call will be made on the IBMJCECCA private key object. This object is also set during construction or by the set IBMJCECCAPrivateKey method.
        Specified by:
        getAlgorithm in interface
      • setIBMJCEPrivateKey

        public void setIBMJCEPrivateKey​( IBMJCEPrivateKey)
        Use setSoftwareJCEPrivateKey(PrivateKey) instead Exists for backwards compatibility since IBMJCE is not on Java 11.
        Method to set the value of the Software JCE representation of this key.
        softwareJCEPrivateKey - the Software JCE private key representation. This key must be either null or an instance of the ECPrivateKey or RSAPrivateKey class.
      • setSoftwareJCEPrivateKey

        public void setSoftwareJCEPrivateKey​( softwareJCEPrivateKey)
        Method to set the value of the Software JCE representation of this key.
        softwareJCEPrivateKey - the Software JCE private key representation. This key must be either null or an instance of the ECPrivateKey or RSAPrivateKey class.
      • getIBMJCEPrivateKey

        public getIBMJCEPrivateKey()
        Use getSoftwareJCEPrivateKey() instead Exists for backwards compatibility since IBMJCE is not on Java 11.
        Method to get the value of the Software JCE representation of this key.
        PrivateKey which represents the Software JCE portion of this key.
      • getSoftwareJCEPrivateKey

        public getSoftwareJCEPrivateKey()
        Method to get the value of the Software JCE representation of this key.
        PrivateKey which represents the Software JCE portion of this key.
      • setIBMJCECCAPrivateKey

        public void setIBMJCECCAPrivateKey​( IBMJCECCAPrivateKey)
        Method to set the value of the IBMJCECCA representation of this key.
        IBMJCECCAPrivateKey - the IBMJCECCA private key representation. This key must be either null or an instance of the or class.
      • getIBMJCECCAPrivateKey

        public getIBMJCECCAPrivateKey()
        Method to get the value of the IBMJCECCA representation of this key.
        PrivateKey which represents the IBMJCECCA portion of this key.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Returns a string representation of the key in human readable format.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        the string that represents the key.