
(Linux® only)

This option controls the percentage of free memory pages in the object heap that can be released when the Eclipse OpenJ9™ VM is in an idle state.

Restrictions: This option applies only to Linux architectures when the Generational Concurrent (gencon) garbage collection policy is in use. This option is not effective if the object heap is configured to use large pages.


Setting Value Default
<percentage> [0 - 100] 0

When used with -XX:+IdleTuningGcOnIdle, this option can be used to place an upper bound on the percentage of free memory pages in the object heap that can be released when the VM is in an idle state. If -XX:IdleTuningMinFreeHeapOnIdle is not specified, the VM uses a default value of 0.


If you set -XX:IdleTuningMinFreeHeapOnIdle=10, no more than 90% of the free memory pages in the object heap can be released by the VM when it is in an idle state.

See also