
Eclipse OpenJ9™ VM tracing is a powerful feature to help you diagnose problems with minimal effect on performance. Tracing is enabled by default, together with a small set of trace points going to memory buffers. You can enable tracepoints at run time by using levels, components, group names, or individual tracepoint identifiers to trace VM internal operations and instrumented Java™ applications. You can also trace Java methods. See the About trace section that follows for more detail.

Trace data can be output in human-readable or in compressed binary formats. The VM provides a tool to process and convert the compressed binary data into a readable format. See Trace formatter.

Note: You can also control trace by using the com.ibm.jvm.Trace API or by using JVMTI from an external agent.

Xtrace Option Builder

Use the Xtrace Option Builder tool to help you specify the correct options and avoid incompatibilities.



You can get help with -Xtraceby using the following options:

Configuring trace

The following parameters can be used to configure trace. (Follow links for more information about individual options.)

Command Result
-Xtrace:properties[=<filename>] Configures trace options based on a file
-Xtrace:buffers=<size>[dynamic\|nodynamic] Modifies the size of buffers that are used to store trace data
-Xtrace:exception.output=<filename>[,<size>] Redirects exceptions trace data to a file.
-Xtrace:methods=<method_specification> Traces methods
-Xtrace:output=<filename>[,<size>[,<generations>]] Sends trace data to a file, optionally of a specific size and number of generations.
-Xtrace:resume Resumes tracing globally.
-Xtrace:resumecount=<count> Enables tracing at a thread level after a specified count.
-Xtrace:sleeptime=<time> Pauses trace operations for a specified length of time.
-Xtrace:stackdepth=<n> Limits the maximum number of stack frames reported by the jstacktrace trace trigger action.
-Xtrace:suspend Suspends tracing globally.
-Xtrace:suspendcount=<count> Suspends tracing at a thread level after a specified count.
-Xtrace:trigger=<clause> Determines when various triggered trace actions occur, including turning trace on or off.

Note: If an option value contains commas, it must be enclosed in braces. For example: methods={java/lang/*,com/ibm/*}

Controlling tracepoint activation

The following parameters can be used to control tracepoint activation. (Follow links for more information about individual options.)

Command Result
-Xtrace:maximal=<tracepoint_specification> Records all associated data.
-Xtrace:minimal=<tracepoint_specification> Records only the time stamp and tracepoint identifier.
-Xtrace:count=<tracepoint_specification> Counts the tracepoints that are used in a trace configuration.
-Xtrace:print=<tracepoint_specification> Prints the specified tracepoints to stderr in real time.
-Xtrace:iprint=<tracepoint_specification> Prints the specified tracepoints to stderr in real time with indentation.
-Xtrace:exception=<tracepoint_specification> Enables exception tracing.
-Xtrace:external<tracepoint_specification> Routes trace data to trace listeners, which are registered by using the JVMTI APIs.
-Xtrace:none[=<tracepoint_specification>] Prevents the trace engine from loading if it is the only trace option specified.

Note: These options control which individual tracepoints are activated at run time and the implicit destination of the trace data. All these properties are independent of each other and can be mixed and matched in any way that you choose. For more information, see Tracepoint activation.

About trace

With the OpenJ9 trace feature, you can trace VM internal operations, Java applications, and Java methods, or any combination of these.

VM internal operations
The OpenJ9 virtual machine (VM) is extensively instrumented with tracepoints for tracing operations. Interpreting this trace data requires detailed knowledge of the VM, and is intended to diagnose VM problems. No guarantee is given that tracepoints will not vary from release to release and from platform to platform.
VM trace contains an application trace facility that allows tracepoints to be placed in Java code, enabling you to combine trace data with the other forms of trace. This capability is supported by the com.ibm.jvm.Trace API. Note that an instrumented Java application runs only on an OpenJ9 VM. For more information, see Application trace.
Java methods
Use method trace to debug and trace application code and the system classes provided with the VM. You can trace entry to and exit from Java methods run by the VM. You can select method trace by classname, method name, or both. You can also use wildcards to create complex method selections. For more information about command syntax, see methods.

Trace can produce large amounts of data in a very short time. Before running trace, think carefully about what information you need in order to solve the problem. Here are some considerations:

You must also think carefully about which components need to be traced and what level of tracing is required. For example, if you are tracing a suspected shared classes problem, it might be enough to trace all components at level 1, and j9shr at level 9, while maximal can be used to show parameters and other information for the failing component. Tracepoint components and trace levels are described in the following sections: Tracepoint specification and Trace levels.

There are two types of tracepoints inside the VM:

Trace data can be written to one of the following locations:

Default tracing

By default, the equivalent of the following trace command line is always available in the VM:


When startup is complete, the equivalent of the following command line is added to enable level 2 trace points:


Level 2 is used for default tracing that would produce too much data during the startup of the VM. If you set other trace options on the command line, or before the VM finishes startup (through use of JVMTI or the com.ibm.jvm.Trace API), the level 2 trace points are enabled just before your trace options are processed. This behavior ensures that the default level 2 trace points do not override any changes that you specify.

The data generated by the tracepoints is continuously captured in wrapping memory buffers for each thread.

You can find tracepoint information in the following diagnostics data:

Default memory management tracing

The default trace options are designed to ensure that Javadumps always contain a record of the most recent memory management history, regardless of how much work the VM has performed since the garbage collection cycle was last called.

The exception=j9mm{gclogger} clause of the default trace set specifies that a history of garbage collection cycles that have occurred in the VM is continuously recorded. The gclogger group of tracepoints in the j9mm component constitutes a set of tracepoints that record a snapshot of each garbage collection cycle. These tracepoints are recorded in their own separate buffer, called the exception buffer. The effect is that the tracepoints are not overwritten by the higher frequency tracepoints of the VM.

The GC History section of the Javadump is based on the information in the exception buffer. If a garbage collection cycle has occurred in a traced VM, the Java dump probably contains a GC History section.

Default assertion tracing

The VM includes assertions, implemented as special trace points. By default, internal assertions are detected and diagnostics logs are produced to help assess the error.

Assertion failures often indicate a serious problem, and the VM usually stops immediately. In these circumstances, raise an issue, including the standard error output and any diagnostic files that are produced.

When an assertion trace point is reached, a message like the following output is produced on the standard error stream:

16:43:48.671 0x10a4800    j9vm.209    *   ** ASSERTION FAILED ** at jniinv.c:251:
((javaVM == ((void *)0)))

This error stream is followed with information about the diagnostic logs produced:

JVMDUMP007I JVM Requesting System Dump using 'core.20060426.124348.976.dmp'
JVMDUMP010I System Dump written to core.20060426.124348.976.dmp
JVMDUMP007I JVM Requesting Snap Dump using 'Snap0001.20060426.124648.976.trc'
JVMDUMP010I Snap Dump written to Snap0001.20060426.124648.976.trc

Assertions are special trace points. They can be enabled or disabled by using the standard trace command-line options.

Assertion failures might occur early during VM startup, before trace is enabled. In this case, the assert message has a different format, and is not prefixed by a timestamp or thread ID. For example:

** ASSERTION FAILED ** j9vmutil.15 at thrinfo.c:371 Assert_VMUtil_true((
  publicFlags & 0x200))

Assertion failures that occur early during startup cannot be disabled. These failures do not produce diagnostic dumps, and do not cause the VM to stop.

Tracepoint activation

The options that control which individual tracepoints are activated at run time and the implicit destination of the trace data are listed under Syntax: Controlling tracepoint activation

In some cases, you must use them with other options. For example, if you specify maximal or minimal tracepoints, the trace data is put into memory buffers. If you are going to send the data to a file, you must use an output option to specify the destination file name.

With the exception of none, all options require at least one <tracepoint_specification>, which is described in the following section. Multiple statements of each type of trace are allowed and their effect is cumulative. If you want to use multiple trace options of the same name, use a properties file. (See properties.)

Tracepoint specification

Tracepoints are enabled by specifying component and tracepoint.

If no qualifier parameters are entered, all tracepoints are enabled, except for <exception.output> trace, where the default is all {exception}.

The <tracepoint_specification> syntax can be further broken down as follows:

[!]<component>[{<group>}] or [!]<component>[{<type>}] or [!]<tracepoint_id>[,<tracepoint_id>]


Some tracepoints can be both an exit and an exception; that is, the function ended with an error. If you specify either exit or exception, these tracepoints are included.

Lists of Java components and tracepoint groups can be found in the tables that follow.

The following table lists the possible Java components (<component>). To include all Java components, specify all.

Component name Description
avl VM AVL tree support
cuda4j VM Cuda support
dg VM intrinsic tracepoints issued by the trace engine
hashtable VM hashtables
io Class library java.io native code
j9bcu VM byte code utilities
j9bcverify VM byte code verification
j9codertvm VM byte code run time
j9dmp VM dump
j9hook OMR hooks
j9hshelp VM hot swap helpers
j9jcl VM class libraries
j9jit VM JIT interface
j9jni VM JNI support
j9jvmti VM JVMTI support
j9mm VM memory management
j9prt VM port library
j9scar VM class library interface
j9shr VM shared classes
j9thr VM thread support
j9trc VM trace
j9trc_aux VM trace auxiliary
j9util VM utilities
j9utilcore OMR character decoding utilities
j9vgc OMR verbose GC utilities
j9vm VM general
j9vmchk VM check command
j9vmutil VM utilities
j9vrb VM verbose stack walker
map VM mapped memory support
module VM modularity
mt Java methods (see Note)
net Class library TCP/IP networking native code
omrmm OMR memory management
omrport OMR port library
omrti OMR tooling
omrutil OMR utilities
omrvm OMR VM general
pool VM storage pool support
rpc VM RPC support
simplepool VM storage pool support
srphashtable VM SRP hashtables
sunvmi VM class library interface

Note: When specifying the mt component you must also specify the methods option.

The following table lists all the tracepoint groups (<group>). Each group is associated with one or more Java components:

Component name or names Group name Description
j9mm adaptivethread A set of tracepoints that record GC adaptive threading.
j9mm ageblending A set of tracepoints that record GC age blending.
j9mm aging A set of tracepoints that record GC aging.
j9mm allocate A set of tracepoints that record GC allocation.
j9mm alloclarge A set of tracepoints that record GC large allocation.
j9mm allocthreshold A set of tracepoints that record GC allocation thresholds.
j9mm, omrmm arraylet A set of tracepoints that record GC arraylet operations.
mt bytecodeMethods A set of tracepoints that record method trace bytecode methods.
j9mm cardscrubbing A set of tracepoints that record GC card scrubbing.
j9jni, j9vm checkjni A set of tracepoints that record JNI function checks. Equivalent to -Xcheck:jni output.
j9vm checkvm A set of tracepoints that record VM checks. Equivalent to -Xcheck:vm output.
j9jcl, j9vm clasinit A set of tracepoints that record class initialization.
j9mm, omrmm compact A set of tracepoints that record GC compaction.
mt compiledMethods A set of tracepoints that record method trace compiled methods.
j9mm concurrent A set of tracepoints that record GC concurrency.
j9mm copyforwardscheme A set of tracepoints that record GC copy forward scheme operations.
j9prt, omrport cuda A set of tracepoints that record cuda operations.
j9mm darkMatterComparison A set of tracepoints that record GC dark matter comparison.
j9mm dispatcher A set of tracepoints that record GC parallel dispatcher operations.
omrport double_map A set of tracepoints that record OMR double map operations.
j9mm dynamiccollectionset A set of tracepoints that record GC dynamic collection set operations.
j9vm exvmaccess A set of tracepoints that record exclusive vm access operations.
omrport file A set of tracepoints that record OMR portable file operations.
j9mm, omrmm gclogger A set of tracepoints that record each garbage collection cycle. Equivalent to -verbose:gc output
omrport heap A set of tracepoints that record OMR heap operations.
j9prt j9gs A set of tracepoints that record guarded storage operations.
j9prt j9hypervisor A set of tracepoints that record hypervisor operations.
j9prt j9ri A set of tracepoints that record runtime instrumentation operations.
j9prt, omrport j9shared A set of tracepoints that record shared memory, semaphore and shared cache operations.
j9prt j9shmem A set of tracepoints that record portable shared memory operations.
j9prt j9shsem A set of tracepoints that record portable shared semaphore operations.
j9prt j9sock A set of tracepoints that record portable socket operations.
j9prt j9sysinfo A set of tracepoints that record system information operations.
j9mm kickoff A set of tracepoints that record GC kickoff operations.
j9mm loaresize A set of tracepoints that record GC LOA resize operations.
j9mm markdelegate A set of tracepoints that record GC mark delegate operations.
omrport mem A set of tracepoints that record OMR portable memory allocation operations.
mt methodArguments A set of tracepoints that record method trace method arguments.
omrport mmap A set of tracepoints that record OMR portable mmap operations.
mt nativeMethods A set of tracepoints that record method trace native methods.
j9prt nlsmessage A set of tracepoints that record each NLS message that is issued by the VM.
omrport omrfilestream A set of tracepoints that record OMR portable file stream operations.
omrport omrshared A set of tracepoints that record OMR portable shared classes operations.
omrport omrshmem A set of tracepoints that record OMR portable shared memory operations.
omrport omrshsem A set of tracepoints that record OMR portable shared semaphore operations.
omrport omrsock A set of tracepoints that record OMR portable socket operations.
j9mm oracle A set of tracepoints that record GC oracle operations.
j9shr OSCache A set of tracepoints that record shared classes OSCache operations.
j9mm parallel A set of tracepoints that record GC parallel operations.
j9mm, omrmm percolate A set of tracepoints that record GC percolate operations.
j9jit, j9vm, omrti perfmon A set of tracepoints that record performance monitor operations.
j9vm profilingbc A set of tracepoints that record bytecode profiling .
j9mm reclaim A set of tracepoints that record GC reclaim operations.
j9mm rememberedset A set of tracepoints that record GC remembered set operations.
j9mm regionvalidator A set of tracepoints that record GC region validation.
j9mm resize A set of tracepoints that record GC resize operations.
j9mm runtimeexec A set of tracepoints that record runtime execution.
j9mm scavenge A set of tracepoints that record GC scavenge flip operations.
j9mm scavenger A set of tracepoints that record GC scavenger operations.
omrport signal A set of tracepoints that record OMR portable signal operations.
omrport sl A set of tracepoints that record OMR portable shared library operations.
j9mm stackremember A set of tracepoints that record GC stack remember operations.
j9mm stackslotvalidator A set of tracepoints that record stack slot validation.
mt staticMethods A set of tracepoints that record method trace static methods.
j9mm stringtable A set of tracepoints that record GC string table operations.
omrport sysinfo A set of tracepoints that record OMR portable system information operations.
omrport syslog A set of tracepoints that record OMR system logging operations.
j9mm tarok A set of tracepoints that record GC tarok operations.
mt throw A set of tracepoints that record method trace throw operations.
j9mm unload A set of tracepoints that record GC class unload operations.
j9jcl, j9vrb, j9vm verboseclass A set of tracepoints that record each class as it is loaded. Equivalent to -verbose:class output.

Here are some examples:

To trace all tracepoints, specify the following command:

To trace all tracepoints except **j9vrb** and **j9trc**, specify the following command:


To trace all entry and exit tracepoints in j9bcu, specify the following command:

To trace all tracepoints in **j9mm** except tracepoints 20-30, specify the following command:


To trace tracepoints j9prt.5 through j9prt.15, specify the following command:

To trace all **j9trc** tracepoints, specify the following command:


To trace all entry and exit tracepoints, specify the following command:


Trace levels

Tracepoints have been assigned levels 0 through 9 that are based on the importance of the tracepoint.

A level 0 tracepoint is the most important. It is reserved for extraordinary events and errors. A level 9 tracepoint is in-depth component detail. To specify a given level of tracing, the level0 through level9 keywords are used. You can abbreviate these keywords to l0 through l9. For example, if level5 is selected, all tracepoints that have levels 0 through 5 are included. Level specifications do not apply to explicit tracepoint specifications that use the TPNID keyword.

The level is provided as a modifier to a component specification, for example:




In the first example, tracepoints that have a level of 5 or less are enabled for all components. In the second example, all level 1 tracepoints are enabled. All level 2 tracepoints in j9mm are enabled. All tracepoints up to level 9 are enabled in j9bcu.

Note: The level applies only to the current component. If multiple trace selection components are found in a trace properties file, the level is reset to the default for each new component. Level specifications do not apply to explicit tracepoint specifications that use the TPNID keyword.

When the not operator is specified, the level is inverted; that is, !j9mm{level5} disables all tracepoints of level 6 or greater for the j9mm component. The following example enables trace for all components at level 9 (the default), but disables level 6 and higher for the locking component, and level 7 and higher for the storage component:


Here are some examples:

To count the level zero and level one tracepoints matched, specify the following command:


To produce maximal trace of all components at level 5 and j9mm at level 9, specify the following command:


To trace all components at level 6, but do not trace j9vrb at all, and do not trace the entry and exit tracepoints in the j9trc component, specify the following command:



Parameters to use with the -Xtrace option:


You can modify the size of the buffers to change how much diagnostic output is provided in a snap dump. This buffer is allocated for each thread that makes trace entries. The following table shows how this parameter can be set:

Command Effect
-Xtrace:buffers=<size> Creates buffers of the specified <size> in k (KB) or m (MB), allocated as needed to match the rate of trace data generation to the output media.
-Xtrace:buffers=<size>dynamic Creates buffers of the specified <size>, allocated as needed to match the rate of trace data generation to the output media.
-Xtrace:buffers=<size>nodynamic Creates buffers of the specified <size>, with a maximum allocation of two buffers per thread.

If external trace is enabled, the number of buffers is doubled; that is, each thread allocates two or more buffers. The same buffer size is used for state and exception tracing, but, in this case, buffers are allocated globally. The default is 8 KB per thread.

The dynamic and nodynamic suboptions have meaning only when tracing to an output file.

Note: If nodynamic is specified, you might lose trace data if the volume of trace data exceeds the bandwidth of the trace output file. Message UTE115 is issued when the first trace entry is lost, and message UTE018 is issued when the VM ends.

Here are some command line examples:

To set a buffer size of 2 MB per thread, with dynamic buffering, use:


To limit each thread to 2 trace buffers, each of 128 KB:


count (tracepoint)


For further information about <tracepoint_specification> syntax, see Tracepoint specification.

The count option requests that only a count of the selected tracepoints is kept. When the VM ends, all nonzero totals of tracepoints (sorted by tracepoint id) are written to a file, called utTrcCounters, in the current directory. This information is useful if you want to determine the overhead of particular tracepoints, but do not want to produce a large amount (GB) of trace data.

For example, to count the tracepoints that are used in the default trace configuration, use the following command:


exception (tracepoint)


For further information about <tracepoint_specification> syntax, see Tracepoint specification.

When exception trace is enabled, the trace data is collected in internal buffers that are separate from the normal buffers. These internal buffers can then be written to a snap file or written to the file that is specified in an exception.output option.

The exception option allows low-volume tracing in buffers and files that are distinct from the higher-volume information that minimal and maximal tracing have provided. In most cases, this information is exception-type data, but you can use this option to capture any trace data that you want.

This form of tracing is channeled through a single set of buffers, as opposed to the buffer-per-thread approach for normal trace. Buffer contention might occur if high volumes of trace data are collected. A difference exists in the <tracepoint_specification> defaults for exception tracing; see Tracepoint specification.



Use exception output to redirect exceptions trace data to a file.



Here are some examples:

Exception trace output goes to file /u/traces/exception.trc with no size limit:


Exception trace output goes to file except and wraps at 2 MB:


Exception trace output goes to a file whose filename contains today's date in * yyyymmdd* format (for example, traceout.20181025.trc):


Exception trace output goes to a file whose filename contains the number of the process (the PID number) that generated it (for example, tracefrompid2112.trc):


Exception trace output goes to a file whose filename contains the time in hhmmss format (for example, traceout.080312.trc):


external (tracepoint)


For further information about <tracepoint_specification> syntax, see Tracepoint specification.

The external option routes trace data to trace listeners, which are registered by using the JVMTI RegisterTracePointSubscriber() and DeregisterTracePointSubscriber() APIs.



Displays general trace help

iprint (tracepoint)


For further information about <tracepoint_specification> syntax, see Tracepoint specification.

The iprint option is the same as the print option, but uses indenting to format the trace.

maximal (tracepoint)


For further information about <tracepoint_specification> syntax, see Tracepoint specification.

When specified, trace data is placed into internal trace buffers that can then be written to a snap file or written to the files that are specified in an output trace option. All associated data is traced.

minimal and maximal traces are independent from any types that follow them. For example, if the maximal option is specified, it does not affect a later option such as print.


Using method trace provides a complete and potentially large diagnosis of code paths inside your application and the system classes. Use wild cards and filtering to control method trace so that you can focus on the sections of code that interest you. Note that method trace is powerful but it also has a cost. Application throughput is affected by method trace.

To specify one or more method specifications, use the following syntax:


The syntax for <method_specification> can be further broken down to the following suboptions:



To output all method trace information to stderr, use either the print or iprint suboptions:


The iprint suboption prints to stderr with indentation. To output method trace information in binary format, see the output option

Internal Native Library (INL) native methods inside the VM cannot be traced because they are not implemented by using JNI. The list of methods that are not traceable is subject to change without notice.

Here are some examples:

Tracing entry and exit of all methods in a given class: To trace all method entry and exit of the ReaderMain class in the default package and the java.lang.String class, specify the following command:


Tracing entry, exit and input parameters of all methods in a class: To trace all method entry, exit, and input of the ReaderMain class in the default package, specify the following command:


Tracing all methods in a given package: To trace all method entry, exit, and input of all classes in the package com.ibm.socket, specify the following command:


Multiple method trace: To trace all method entry, exit, and input in the Widget class in the default package and all method entry and exit in the common package, specify the following command:


Using the ! operator: To trace all methods in the ArticleUI class in the default package except those beginning with "get", specify the following command:


Tracing a specific method in a class: This example traces entry and exit of the substring method of the java.lang.String class. If there is more than one method with the same name, they are all traced. You cannot filter method trace by the signature of the method.


Tracing the constructor of a class: This example traces entry and exit of the constructors of the java.lang.String class.


Here is some example output:

java "-Xtrace:methods={java/lang*.*},iprint=mt" HW
10:02:42.281*0x9e900      mt.4         > java/lang/J9VMInternals.initialize(Ljava/lang/Class;)
                              V Compiled static method
10:02:42.281 0x9e900      mt.4          > java/lang/J9VMInternals.verify(Ljava/lang/Class;)
                              V Compiled static method
10:02:42.281 0x9e900      mt.4           > java/lang/J9VMInternals.verify(Ljava/lang/Class;)
                              V Compiled static method
10:02:42.281 0x9e900      mt.4            > java/lang/J9VMInternals.setInitStatus(Ljava/lang/Class;I)
                              V Compiled static method
10:02:42.281 0x9e900      mt.10           < java/lang/J9VMInternals.setInitStatus(Ljava/lang/Class;I)
                              V Compiled static method
10:02:42.281 0x9e900      mt.10          < java/lang/J9VMInternals.verify(Ljava/lang/Class;)
                              V Compiled static method
10:02:42.281 0x9e900      mt.4           > java/lang/J9VMInternals.setInitStatus(Ljava/lang/Class;I)
                              V Compiled static method
10:02:42.281 0x9e900      mt.10          < java/lang/J9VMInternals.setInitStatus(Ljava/lang/Class;I)
                              V Compiled static method
10:02:42.281 0x9e900      mt.10         < java/lang/J9VMInternals.verify(Ljava/lang/Class;)
                              V Compiled static method
10:02:42.281 0x9e900      mt.4          > java/lang/J9VMInternals.initialize(Ljava/lang/Class;)
                              V Compiled static method
10:02:42.281 0x9e900      mt.4           > java/lang/J9VMInternals.setInitStatus(Ljava/lang/Class;I)
                              V Compiled static method
10:02:42.296 0x9e900      mt.10          < java/lang/J9VMInternals.setInitStatus(Ljava/lang/Class;I)
                              V Compiled static method
10:02:42.296 0x9e900      mt.10         < java/lang/J9VMInternals.initialize(Ljava/lang/Class;)
                              V Compiled static method
10:02:42.296 0x9e900      mt.4          > java/lang/String.<clinit>()V Compiled static method
10:02:42.296 0x9e900      mt.4           > java/lang/J9VMInternals.initialize(Ljava/lang/Class;)
                              V Compiled static method
10:02:42.296 0x9e900      mt.4            > java/lang/J9VMInternals.verify(Ljava/lang/Class;)
                              V Compiled static method
10:02:42.296 0x9e900      mt.4             > java/lang/J9VMInternals.verify(Ljava/lang/Class;)
                              V Compiled static method
10:02:42.296 0x9e900      mt.10            < java/lang/J9VMInternals.verify(Ljava/lang/Class;)
                              V Compiled static method
10:02:42.296 0x9e900      mt.4             > java/lang/J9VMInternals.setInitStatus(Ljava/lang/Class;I)
                              V Compiled static method
10:02:42.328 0x9e900      mt.10            < java/lang/J9VMInternals.setInitStatus(Ljava/lang/Class;I)
                              V Compiled static method
10:02:42.328 0x9e900      mt.10           < java/lang/J9VMInternals.verify(Ljava/lang/Class;)
                              V Compiled static method
10:02:42.328 0x9e900      mt.4            > java/lang/J9VMInternals.initialize(Ljava/lang/Class;)
                              V Compiled static method
10:02:42.328 0x9e900      mt.10           < java/lang/J9VMInternals.initialize(Ljava/lang/Class;)
                              V Compiled static method
10:02:42.328 0x9e900      mt.4            > java/lang/J9VMInternals.setInitStatus(Ljava/lang/Class;I)
                              V Compiled static method
10:02:42.328 0x9e900      mt.10           < java/lang/J9VMInternals.setInitStatus(Ljava/lang/Class;I)
                              V Compiled static method
10:02:42.328 0x9e900      mt.10          < java/lang/J9VMInternals.initialize(Ljava/lang/Class;)
                              V Compiled static method

The output lines comprise of:

minimal (tracepoint)


For further information about <tracepoint_specification> syntax, see Tracepoint specification.

When specified, trace data is placed into internal trace buffers that can then be written to a snap file or written to the files that are specified in an output trace option. Only the time stamp and tracepoint identifier are recorded. When the trace is formatted, missing trace data is replaced with the characters "???" in the output file.

minimal and maximal traces are independent from any types that follow them. For example, if the minimal option is specified, it does not affect a later option such as print.

none (tracepoint)


For further information about <tracepoint_specification> syntax, see Tracepoint specification.

-Xtrace:none prevents the trace engine from loading if it is the only trace option specified. However, if other -Xtrace options are on the command line, it is treated as the equivalent of -Xtrace:none=all and the trace engine still loads.

If you specify other tracepoints without specifying -Xtrace:none, the tracepoints are added to the default set.


Sends trace data to a file, optionally of a specific size and number of generations.



Note: When tracing to a file, buffers for each thread are written when the buffer is full or when the VM ends. If a thread has been inactive for a period of time before the VM ends, what seems to be 'old' trace data is written to the file. When formatted, it then seems that trace data is missing from the other threads, but this is an unavoidable side-effect of the buffer-per-thread design. This effect becomes especially noticeable when you use the generation facility, and format individual earlier generations.

Here are some examples:

Trace output goes to file /u/traces/gc.problem with no size limit:


Trace output goes to file trace, which will wrap at 2 MB:


Trace output goes to files gc0.trc, gc1.trc, and gc2.trc, each 10 MB in size:


Trace output goes to a file, where the filename contains today's date in * yyyymmdd* format (for example, traceout.20181025.trc):


Trace output goes to a file whose name contains the number of the process (the PID number) that generated it (for example, tracefrompid2112.trc):


Trace output goes to a file whose name contains the time in hhmmss format (for example, traceout.080312.trc):


For further information about <tracepoint_specification> syntax, see Tracepoint specification.

The print option causes the specified tracepoints to be routed to stderr in real time. The VM tracepoints are formatted by using J9TraceFormat.dat. The class library tracepoints are formatted by J9TraceFormat.dat and TraceFormat.dat.


You can use properties files to control trace. A properties file saves typing and allows you to create a library of files that are tailored to solving problems in a particular area.


If <filename> is not specified, the VM searches for a default name of IBMTRACE.properties in the current directory.

All the options that are in the file are processed in the sequence in which they are stored in the file, before the next option that is obtained through the normal mechanism is processed. Therefore, a command-line property always overrides a property that is in the file.

Here is an example of a properties file:

// maximal=j9mm

The following restrictions apply to the file:

If any error is found when the file is accessed, VM initialization fails with an explanatory error message and return code.

To use a file trace.props stored in the c:\trc\gc directory, specify the following command:



The resume option resumes tracing globally.


The suspend and resume options are not recursive. That is, two suspends that are followed by a single resume cause trace to be resumed.


This trace option determines whether tracing is enabled for each thread.


If <count> is greater than zero, each thread initially has its tracing disabled and must receive <count> resumethis actions before it starts tracing. This option is used with the trigger option.

Note: You cannot use resumecount and suspendcount together because they use the same internal counter.

The following example starts with all tracing turned off. Each thread starts tracing when it has had three resumethis actions performed on it:



You can specify how long the sleep lasts when using the sleep trigger action.



The default length of time is 30 seconds. If no units are specified, the default time unit is milliseconds.


Use this option to limit the maximum number of stack frames reported by the jstacktrace trace trigger action.


Where <n> is the maximum number of stack frames reported.



Suspends tracing globally for all threads and all forms of tracing but leaves tracepoints activated.


This trace option determines whether tracing is enabled for each thread.


If <count> is greater than zero, each thread initially has its tracing enabled and must receive <count> suspendthis actions before it stops tracing.

You cannot use resumecount and suspendcount together because they both set the same internal counter.

This trace option is for use with the trigger option.

The following example starts with tracing turned on. Each thread stops tracing when it has had three suspendthis actions performed on it:



The trigger parameter determines when various triggered trace actions occur. Supported actions include turning tracing on and off for all threads, turning tracing on or off for the current thread, or producing various dumps.


This trace option does not control what is traced. It controls only whether the information that has been selected by the other trace options is produced as normal or is blocked.


Each clause of the trigger parameter can be one of the following types:

You can specify multiple clauses of the same type if required, but you do not need to specify all types.


On entering a method that matches <methodspec>, the specified <entryAction> is run. On leaving a method that matches <methodspec>, the specified <exitAction> is run. If you specify a <delayCount>, the actions are performed only after a matching <methodspec> has been entered that many times. If you specify a <matchCount>, <entryAction> and <exitAction> are performed at most that many times.

<methodspec> is the specification of a Java method, consisting of a class and a method name separated by a dot. For example, specify HelloWorld.main. If the class is in a package, the package name must be included, separated by slashes. For example, specify java/lang/String.getBytes.

A wildcard "*" can be used at the start or end of the class and method names, or both. For example, you can specify */String.get*. To specify a constructor method, use <init> as the method name. Method signatures cannot be specified, so a method specification applies to all overloaded methods.

tracepoint ID

On finding the specified active tracepoint ID (<tpnid>) or a tracepoint ID) that falls inside the specified <tpnidRange>, the specified action is run. If you specify a <delayCount>, the action is performed only after the VM finds such an active <tpnid> that many times. If you specify a <matchCount>, <action> is performed at most that many times.


On finding any active tracepoint that is defined as being in trace group <groupname>, for example Entry or Exit, the specified action is run. If you specify a <delayCount>, the action is performed only after that many active tracepoints from group <groupname> have been found. If you specify a <matchCount>, <action> is performed at most that many times.


Wherever an action (<action>, <entryAction>, or <exitAction>) must be specified in one of the trigger parameter clauses, you must select from these options:

<action> Effect
abort Halt the VM.
ceedump This action is applicable to z/OS® only. For more information, see z/OS LE CEEDUMPs.
coredump Produce a system dump. See Dump agents (-Xdump:system)
heapdump Produce a heap dump. See Heap dump.
javadump Produce a Java dump. See Java dump.
jstacktrace Examine the Java stack of the current thread and generate auxiliary tracepoints for each stack frame. The auxiliary tracepoints are written to the same destination as the tracepoint or method trace that triggered the action. You can control the number of stack frames examined with the stackdepth=n option. See the stackdepth option.
resume Resume all tracing (except for threads that are suspended by the action of the resumecount property and Trace.suspendThis() calls).
resumethis Decrement the suspend count for this thread. If the suspend count is zero or less, resume tracing for this thread.
segv Cause a segmentation violation. (Intended for use in debugging.)
sleep Delay the current thread for a length of time controlled by the sleeptime option. The default is 30 seconds. See sleeptime option.
snap Snap all active trace buffers to a file in the current working directory. The file name has the format: Snapnnnn.yyyymmdd.hhmmssth.ppppp.trc, where nnnn is the sequence number of the snap file since VM startup, yyyymmdd is the date, hhmmssth is the time, and ppppp is the process ID in decimal with leading zeros removed.
suspend Suspend all tracing (except for special trace points).
suspendthis Increment the suspend count for this thread. If the suspend-count is greater than zero, prevent all tracing for this thread.
sysdump (or coredump) Produce a system dump. See Dump agents(-Xdump:system).

Here are some examples of using the trigger option:

To produce a Java dump when a method is entered, specify the following command:


To produce a system dump when a method is entered, specify the following command:


To produce a Java dump when a class constructor is called, specify the following command:


Note: This trace option is enclosed in quotation marks to avoid unwanted shell expansion of some of the characters.

To produce a Java dump when a class static initializer is called, specify the following command:


Note: This trace option is enclosed in quotation marks to avoid unwanted shell expansion of some of the characters.

To produce a Java dump when a method is entered 1000 times and 1001 times, specify the following command:


To start tracing this thread when it enters any method in java/lang/String, and to stop tracing the thread after exiting the method, specify the following command:



To resume all tracing when any thread enters a method in any class that starts with error, specify the following command:


To trace (all threads) while the application is active; that is, not starting or shut down. (The application name is HelloWorld), specify the following command:


To print a Java stack trace to the console when the mycomponent.1 tracepoint is reached, specify the following command:


To write a Java stack trace to the trace output file when the Sample.code() method is called, specify the following command:




Shows the current trace settings

See also