Module ibm.jzos

Class QueryContention

  • public class QueryContention
    extends java.lang.Object

    A wrapper for z/OS SYSEVENT QRYCONT.

    For more information on SYSEVENT QRYCONT, please refer to "z/OS MVS Authorized Assembler Services Reference SET-WTO" and "z/OS MVS Diagnosis: Reference".

    Query resource contentions in an address space. The query can be performed to request contentions of all types, or limited only to standard/shortime enqueue holds or chronic resource contentions.

    Usage examples:

    1. Query resource contentions of all types in current address space. A QueryContentionResult object is returned as a result of the query.
      QueryContentionResult result = QueryContention.query();
    2. Query resource contentions of all types in a specific address space, for example, asid 0050 in hex values.
      byte[] asid = new byte[] { (byte)0x00, (byte)0x50};
      QueryContentionResult result = QueryContention.query(asid);
    3. Query chronic resource contentions only in current address space.
      QueryContentionResult result = queryContention.query(QueryContention.REQTYPE_CHRONIC_CONTENTIONS);
    4. Retrieve information from the QueryContentionResult object returned from a query.
      ResourceContention[] resourceContentions = 
                        result.getResourceContentions();           // The list of contentions returned from the query 
      int numContentions = result.getNumberOfContentions();        // Number of contentions in the list
      boolean additionalContentions = result.hasMoreContentions(); // Are there additional contentions other than those returned?
    5. Traverse the contentions list for information about each contention.
      for (int i = 0; i < resourceContentions.length; i++) {     
           ResourceContention contention = resourceContentions[i];
           String subsystemType = contention.getSubsystemType();
           String subsystemName = contention.getSubsystemName();
           byte[] startTime = contention.getStartTime();
           int contentionID = contention.getContentionId();
           int count = contention.getCount();

    See Also:
    QueryContentionResult, ResourceContention
    • Field Detail


        public static final int REQTYPE_ALL
        Request contentions of all types.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int REQTYPE_ENQHOLDS
        Request only short time/standard enqueue holds.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int REQTYPE_CHRONIC_CONTENTIONS
        Request only chronic resource contentions.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • query

        public static QueryContentionResult query()
                                           throws RcException,
        Query contentions of all types in the current address space.
        query result
        RcException - if an error is encountered. See the class comment and the SYSEVENT QRYCONT documentation for more information on how to interpret the error information.
        java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if SYSEVENT QRYCONT is not supported by the z/OS release on the system
      • query

        public static QueryContentionResult query​(int requestType)
                                           throws RcException,
        Query contentions of a particular type in the current address space.
        requestType - request contentions of the requestType. Valid types are:
        • REQTYPE_ALL, requesting contentions of all types. Default if requestType is not provided
        • REQTYPE_ENQHOLDS, requesting only short time/standard enqueue holds
        • REQTYPE_CHRONIC_CONTENTIONS, requesting only chronic resource contentions
        query result
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if an invalid requestType
        RcException - if an error is encountered. See the class comment and the SYSEVENT QRYCONT documentation for more information on how to interpret the error information.
        java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if SYSEVENT QRYCONT is not supported by the z/OS release on the system
      • query

        public static QueryContentionResult query​(byte[] asid)
                                           throws RcException,
        Query contentions of all types in an address space.
        asid - two-byte address space identifier in hex values
        query result
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if invalid asid byte length
        RcException - if an error is encountered. See the class comment and the SYSEVENT QRYCONT documentation for more information on how to interpret the error information.
        java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if SYSEVENT QRYCONT is not supported by the z/OS release on the system
      • query

        public static QueryContentionResult query​(int requestType,
                                                  byte[] asid)
                                           throws RcException,
        Query contentions of a particular type in an address space.
        requestType - request contentions of the requestType. Valid types are:
        • REQTYPE_ALL, requesting contentions of all types. Default if requestType is not provided
        • REQTYPE_ENQHOLDS, requesting only short time/standard enqueue holds
        • REQTYPE_CHRONIC_CONTENTIONS, requesting only chronic resource contentions
        asid - two-byte address space identifier in hex values
        query result
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if an invalid requestType
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if invalid asid byte length
        RcException - if an error is encountered. See the class comment and the SYSEVENT QRYCONT documentation for more information on how to interpret the error information.
        java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if SYSEVENT QRYCONT is not supported by the z/OS release on the system