Class KDFParameterSpec

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class KDFParameterSpec
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class specifies the set of parameters to be used during the key derivation step of the Diffie-Hellman key agreement algorithm.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.String getCKDSLabel()
      Returns the user provided CKDS label.
      int getKeySize()
      Return the size of the secret key to derive using Diffie-Hellman.
      SymmetricKeyConstants.KeyType getKeyType()
      Returns the type of key to derive using Diffie-Hellman.
      SymmetricKeyConstants.KeyUsage getKeyUsage()
      Returns the usage of key to derive using Diffie-Hellman.
      boolean getNoCvKEK()
      Returns the value of the NoCvKEK option for the key to derive using Diffie-Hellman.
      byte[] getSharedInfo()
      Return a clone of the information shared by the participants of the Diffie-Hellman key agreement.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • KDFParameterSpec

        public KDFParameterSpec​(int keySize,
                                byte[] sharedInfo)
        Constructs a parameter set to be used during the key derivation step of the Diffie-Hellman key agreement algorithm.

        By default, keys will be derived as SymmetricKeyConstants.KeyType.PROTECTED keys. The default key usage of the derived keys depends on the key algorithm of the key to be derived.

        keySize - the size of the secret key to derive using Diffie-Hellman. It must be between 56 and 2048
        sharedInfo - the information shared by the participants of the Diffie-Hellman key agreement. It must be between 8 and 64 bytes long. If no information will be shared by the participants, null may be specified
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if keySize or sharedInfo does not contain acceptable values.
        See Also:
        KDFParameterSpec(int, byte[], KeyType, String, KeyUsage)
      • KDFParameterSpec

        public KDFParameterSpec​(int keySize,
                                byte[] sharedInfo,
                                SymmetricKeyConstants.KeyType keyType,
                                java.lang.String ckdsLabel,
                                SymmetricKeyConstants.KeyUsage keyUsage,
                                boolean NoCvKEK)
        Constructs a parameter set to be used during the key derivation step of the Diffie-Hellman key agreement algorithm.

        By default, keys will be derived as SymmetricKeyConstants.KeyType.PROTECTED keys if null is specified for the keyType parameter. If the keyUsage parameter is null, the default key usage of the key algorithm of the key to be derived will be used. The default key usage for the DES and Triple-DES key algorithms is SymmetricKeyConstants.KeyUsage.OP_CIPHER, and the default key usage for the AES key algorithm is SymmetricKeyConstants.KeyUsage.OP_DATA.

        keySize - the size of the secret key to derive using Diffie-Hellman. It must be between 56 and 2048
        sharedInfo - the information shared by the participants of the Diffie-Hellman key agreement. It must be between 8 and 64 bytes long. If no information will be shared between the participants, null may be specified
        keyType - the type of key to derive, this must be either SymmetricKeyConstants.KeyType.PROTECTED or SymmetricKeyConstants.KeyType.CKDS. SymmetricKeyConstants.KeyType.CLEAR bypasses key derivation and is currently not supported. To let the Diffie-Hellman key agreement service determine the default type of key to derive, a null may be specified
        ckdsLabel - an optional user provided CKDS label. This field will be ignored when deriving a PROTECTED key. If this parameter is null and deriving a CKDS key, a random CKDS label will be generated and used
        keyUsage - the key usage attribute of the derived key, this must be a single operational key. To let the Diffie-Hellman key agreement service determine the default key usage attribute of the derived key based on the key algorithm, a null may be specified. Valid key usage attribute for DES keys is SymmetricKeyConstants.KeyUsage.OP_CIPHER. Valid key usage attributes for Triple-DES keys are SymmetricKeyConstants.KeyUsage.OP_CIPHER, SymmetricKeyConstants.KeyUsage.OP_EXPORTER, and SymmetricKeyConstants.KeyUsage.OP_IMPORTER. Valid key usage attributes for AES keys are SymmetricKeyConstants.KeyUsage.OP_DATA, SymmetricKeyConstants.KeyUsage.OP_EXPORTER, and SymmetricKeyConstants.KeyUsage.OP_IMPORTER.
        NoCvKEK - specifies whether the CKDS key encrypting key should be created with the NoCvKEK option. This is only valid for a DESede key encrypting key in the CKDS. It is usually true only if the derived key encrypting key will be used to export a key to an non-z/OS system or import a key from a non-z/OS system.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if keySize, sharedInfo, keyType, ckdsLabel, or keyUsage does not contain acceptable values.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if NoCvKEK is true and keyUsage or keyType does not contain acceptable values.
    • Method Detail

      • getKeySize

        public int getKeySize()
        Return the size of the secret key to derive using Diffie-Hellman.
        the size of the secret key to derive using Diffie-Hellman
      • getSharedInfo

        public byte[] getSharedInfo()
        Return a clone of the information shared by the participants of the Diffie-Hellman key agreement.

        Note that this method returns a clone of sensitive information. It is the caller's responsibility to zero out the information after it is no longer needed.

        A clone of the information shared by the participants of the Diffie-Hellman key agreement
      • getKeyType

        public SymmetricKeyConstants.KeyType getKeyType()
        Returns the type of key to derive using Diffie-Hellman.
        the type of key to derive using Diffie-Hellman.
      • getCKDSLabel

        public java.lang.String getCKDSLabel()
        Returns the user provided CKDS label.
        the user provided CKDS label.
      • getKeyUsage

        public SymmetricKeyConstants.KeyUsage getKeyUsage()
        Returns the usage of key to derive using Diffie-Hellman.
        the usage of key to derive using Diffie-Hellman.
      • getNoCvKEK

        public boolean getNoCvKEK()
        Returns the value of the NoCvKEK option for the key to derive using Diffie-Hellman.
        the value of the NoCvKEK option for the key to derive using Diffie-Hellman.