Class DilithiumKeyParameterSpec

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DilithiumKeyParameterSpec
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class provides means for specifying the parameters for a CRYSTALS-Dilithium key pair to be generated via the DilithiumKeyPairGenerator class. These parameters are:

    type, which is either KeyHWAttrubuteValues.PKDS, KeyHWAttributeValues.MASTER, or KeyHWAttributeValues.CLEAR;

    usage must be KeyHWAttributeValues.SIGNATURE;

    name, the name or OID of the desired algorithm. Acceptable OIDs: "" - CRYSTALS-Dilithium 6,5 Round 2 "" - CRYSTALS-Dilithium 6,5 Round 3 "" - CRYSTALS-Dilithium 8,7 Round 2 "" - CRYSTALS-Dilithium 8,7 Round 3

    Acceptable names: "dilithium65r2" - CRYSTALS-Dilithium 6,5 Round 2 "dilithium65r3" - CRYSTALS-Dilithium 6,5 Round 3 "dilithium87r2" - CRYSTALS-Dilithium 8,7 Round 2 "dilithium87r3" - CRYSTALS-Dilithium 8,7 Round 3

    keylabel which is the label associated with the generated private key.

    This class is immutable.

    • Constructor Detail

      • DilithiumKeyParameterSpec

        public DilithiumKeyParameterSpec​(java.lang.String name)
                                  throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Creates a parameter set. The type is defaulted to KeyHWAttributeValues.MASTER. The usage is defaulted to KeyHWAttributeValues.SIGNATURE.
        name - the standard name or OID of the algorithm parameters
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - for any parameter values outside the bounds for that parameter.
      • DilithiumKeyParameterSpec

        public DilithiumKeyParameterSpec​(java.lang.String name,
                                         byte type)
                                  throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Creates a parameter set. The usage is defaulted to KeyHWAttributeValues.SIGNATURE.
        name - the standard name or OID of the algorithm parameters
        type - the hardware key type determined from KeyHWAttributeValues PKDS (key storage), MASTER (encrypted under ICSF master key), or CLEAR.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - for any parameter values outside the bounds for that parameter.
      • DilithiumKeyParameterSpec

        public DilithiumKeyParameterSpec​(java.lang.String name,
                                         byte type,
                                         byte usage)
                                  throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Creates a parameter set.
        name - the standard name or OID of the algorithm parameters
        type - the hardware key type determined from KeyHWAttributeValues PKDS (key storage), MASTER (encrypted under ICSF master key), or CLEAR.
        usage - the way that the key will be used, must be SIGNATURE (used for signing purposes only)
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - for any parameter values outside the bounds for that parameter.
      • DilithiumKeyParameterSpec

        public DilithiumKeyParameterSpec​(java.lang.String name,
                                         byte type,
                                         byte usage,
                                         java.lang.String label)
                                  throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Creates a parameter set.
        name - the standard name or OID of the algorithm parameters
        type - the hardware key type determined from KeyHWAttributeValues PKDS (key storage), MASTER (encrypted under ICSF master key), or CLEAR.
        usage - the way that the key will be used, must be SIGNATURE (used for signing purposes only)
        label - if a KeyHWAttributeValues.PKDS key, the label used to identify the key. If a KeyHWAttributeValues.CLEAR key, label is ignored.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - for any parameter values outside the bounds for that parameter.
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
        Returns the name
        the name
      • getAttributes

        public DilithiumKeyAttributes getAttributes()
        Returns the key pair attributes.
        the key pair attributes.
      • getLabelString

        public java.lang.String getLabelString()
        Returns the key label that will be used to store the private key.
        the key label. Returns null if no label is associated with this parameter spec.