Class DESKeySpec

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DESKeySpec
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class specifies a DES key.
    Implementation Note:
    This class allows for the specification of key "types" ("RAW" or "CLEAR", "CKDSLabel" or "CKDS", "ICSFToken" or "PROTECTED"). Some JCECCA operations are restricted to specific key types. Provider support, ICSF support, and hardware support all determine which key and algorithm types will function on a given system. For details on the supported operations for each key type please consult the z/OS Unique Considerations Hardware Crypto Reference Guide. More information can also be found in the Javadoc reference for the specific SPI class in use (KeyFactory, KeyGenerator, etc.)"
    See Also:
    DESKeyFactory, DESKeyGenerator, DESCipher
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static int DES_KEY_LEN
      The constant which defines the length of a DES key in bytes.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      DESKeySpec​(byte[] key)
      Creates a DESKeySpec object using the first 8 bytes in key as the key material for the DES key.
      DESKeySpec​(byte[] key, int offset)
      Creates a DESKeySpec object using the first 8 bytes in key, beginning at offset inclusive, as the key material for the DES key.
      DESKeySpec​(byte[] key, int offset, java.lang.String type)
      Creates a DESKeySpec object using the first 8 bytes in key, beginning at offset inclusive, as the key material for the DES key.
      DESKeySpec​(byte[] key, java.lang.String type)
      Creates a DESKeySpec object using the first 8 bytes in key as the key material for the DES key.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      byte[] getKey()
      Returns a clone of the DES key material.
      java.lang.String getType()
      Returns the DES key type.
      static boolean isParityAdjusted​(byte[] key, int offset)
      Checks if the given DES key material, starting at offset inclusive, is parity-adjusted.
      static boolean isWeak​(byte[] key, int offset)
      Checks if the given DES key material is weak or semi-weak.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • DES_KEY_LEN

        public static final int DES_KEY_LEN
        The constant which defines the length of a DES key in bytes.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • DESKeySpec

        public DESKeySpec​(byte[] key)
        Creates a DESKeySpec object using the first 8 bytes in key as the key material for the DES key. A specification for a RAW (also known as CLEAR) key is created with this constructor.

        The bytes that constitute the DES key are those between key[0] and key[7] inclusive.

        key - the buffer with the DES key material. The first 8 bytes of the buffer are copied to protect against subsequent modification.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given key material is null - if the given key material is shorter than 8 bytes.
      • DESKeySpec

        public DESKeySpec​(byte[] key,
                          java.lang.String type)
        Creates a DESKeySpec object using the first 8 bytes in key as the key material for the DES key.

        The bytes that constitute the DES key are those between key[0] and key[7] inclusive.

        key - the buffer with the DES key material, CCA token, or CKDS label. If a "RAW" type is specified the first 8 bytes of the buffer are used. If a "CKDSLabel" type is specified it must be encoded in the IBM-1047 codepage. The buffer is copied to protect against subsequent modification.
        type - the type of key, one of "RAW", "CKDSLabel", "ICSFToken". Please note that we recommend the use of the KeyLabelKeySpec class to create a key specification using a "CKDSLabel".
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given key material is null - if the given key material is shorter than 8 bytes.
      • DESKeySpec

        public DESKeySpec​(byte[] key,
                          int offset)
        Creates a DESKeySpec object using the first 8 bytes in key, beginning at offset inclusive, as the key material for the DES key. A specification for a RAW (also known as CLEAR) key is created with this constructor.

        The bytes that constitute the DES key are those between key[offset] and key[offset+7] inclusive.

        key - the buffer with the DES key material. The first 8 bytes of the buffer beginning at offset inclusive are copied to protect against subsequent modification.
        offset - the offset in key, where the DES key material starts.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given key material is null - if the given key material, starting at offset inclusive, is shorter than 8 bytes.
      • DESKeySpec

        public DESKeySpec​(byte[] key,
                          int offset,
                          java.lang.String type)
        Creates a DESKeySpec object using the first 8 bytes in key, beginning at offset inclusive, as the key material for the DES key.

        The bytes that constitute the DES key are those between key[offset] and key[offset+7] inclusive.

        key - the buffer with the DES key material, CCA token, or CKDS label. If a "RAW" type is specified the first 8 bytes of the buffer are used. If a "CKDSLabel" type is specified it must be encoded in the IBM-1047 codepage. The buffer is copied to protect against subsequent modification.
        offset - the offset in key, where the DES key material starts.
        type - the type of key, one of "RAW", "CKDSLabel", "ICSFToken". Please note that we recommend the use of the KeyLabelKeySpec class to create a key specification using a "CKDSLabel".
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given key material is null - if the given key material, starting at offset inclusive, is shorter than 8 bytes.
    • Method Detail

      • getKey

        public byte[] getKey()
        Returns a clone of the DES key material.

        Note that this method returns a clone of sensitive information. It is the caller's responsibility to zero out the information after it is no longer needed.

        A clone of the DES key material. Returns a new array each time this method is called.
      • getType

        public java.lang.String getType()
        Returns the DES key type.
        the DES key type.
      • isParityAdjusted

        public static boolean isParityAdjusted​(byte[] key,
                                               int offset)
        Checks if the given DES key material, starting at offset inclusive, is parity-adjusted.
        key - the buffer with the DES key material.
        offset - the offset in key, where the DES key material starts.
        true if the given DES key material is parity-adjusted, false otherwise.
        Throws: - if the given key material is null, or starting at offset inclusive, is shorter than 8 bytes.
      • isWeak

        public static boolean isWeak​(byte[] key,
                                     int offset)
        Checks if the given DES key material is weak or semi-weak.
        key - the buffer with the DES key material.
        offset - the offset in key, where the DES key material starts.
        true if the given DES key material is weak or semi-weak, false otherwise.
        Throws: - if the given key material is null, or starting at offset inclusive, is shorter than 8 bytes.