Contents of the IBMJCEHYBRID Provider

The IBMJCECCA provider supports the following items.

  • Message Digest by using the MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA, SHA2, SHA3, and SHA5 algorithms.
  • Signature and KeyFactory classes
  • Signature algorithms SHA1withRSA, MD2withRSA, MD5withRSA, SHA2withRSA, SHA3withRSA, SHA5withRSA, RSASSA-PSS, SHA1withECDSA, SHA224withECDSA, SHA2withECDSA, SHA3withECDSA, and SHA5withECDSA.
    • DSA is only supported on IBM eServer zSeries 800 (z800) and IBM eServer zSeries 900 (z900) hardware.
    • ECDSA is only supported on Crypto Express 3 Coprocessor (CEX3C) and newer cryptographic coprocessor cards.
  • The key pair generator symmetric algorithms AES, DES, triple DES (also known as DESede), RSA, EC, RSASSA-PSS, HMAC (HMAC using secure keys is available with the HmacMD2, HmacMD5, HMACSHA1, HMACSHA256, HMACSHA384, and HMACSHA512 algorithms), and DiffieHellman.
  • Asymmetric algorithms RSA encryption and decryption with zero padding and PKCS 1 type 2 padding.
  • Key generation by using the key factories RSA, RSASSA-PSS, DiffieHellman, and EC.