Specifying the Java main class and its arguments

The goal of any Java™ launcher is to run the main() method of some Java class and possibly pass it some arguments. You can supply the Java class name and its arguments to the Java batch launcher in the following ways:

  • You can specify the fully qualified main class name and any arguments as the PARM= string to the batch launcher program. The JVMPRCxx stored procedure defines the JAVACLS= and ARGS= keyword parameters, which you can use to set the program's PARM= string.
  • You can set the JZOS_MAIN_ARGS environment variable to contain the main class name and arguments.
  • The contents of the file pointed to by //MAINARGS can contain the Java class name and arguments. You can change this DD name from //MAINARGS to some other name by setting the JZOS_MAINARGS_DD environment variable.
You can use these mechanisms individually or in combination to specify the class name and its arguments. If you use multiple mechanisms, they are read in the following order:
  1. PARM=
  2. The contents of the JZOS_MAIN_ARGS environment variable
  3. The contents of the file that is pointed to by the JZOS_MAIN_ARGS_DD environment variable (MAINARGS, by default)

The main class name and its arguments are read from one or more of these sources as strings that are separated by white space characters (space, tab, newline). Use single quotation marks if you specify multiple arguments. When enclosed in single quotation marks, an argument can include a newline character if the token spans multiple input lines. However, if an input line ends in a backslash character, the newline character is not included in the quoted argument. When input is read from the //MAINARGS file, trailing spaces are automatically removed, but the input must not contain line numbers.

You can run an executable JAR file by specifying -jar <jar file name> in place of a main class name. This command behaves the same as the -jar option on the Java shell command launcher: the MANIFEST entry is read from the named JAR file to find the main class name.

Supplying arguments to a Java class

This example supplies arguments to a Java class.
// EXEC PROC=JVMPRCxx,JAVACLS=’com.package.MyClass’,
// ARGS=’argument1 -arg2’
arg.number.3 ’argument4 with embedded spaces 
and newline’ ’argument5 with embedded spaces \ 
but no newline’

This example results in the following values:

  • Java main class name = com.package.MyClass
  • arg[1] = argument1
  • arg[2] = -arg2
  • arg[3] = arg.number.3
  • arg[4] = argument4 with embedded spaces and newline
  • arg[5] = argument5 with embedded spaces but no newline