Setting batch launcher logging levels

The PARM= parameter to the batch launcher can accept an optional argument to control logging messages that the launcher writes to the //SYSOUT data set. If present, this argument must be the first argument.

The PARM= parameter can have one of the following values:
Table 1. Optional arguments
Level Description
+E Only error level messages are emitted.
+W Adds warning level messages.
+N Adds notice level messages (the default).
+I Adds informational messages. This level includes a dump of the environment variables (including CLASSPATH) before creating the Java™ VM.
+D Adds debugging level messages. This level prints input to and output from the //STDENV configuration script process.
+T Adds trace level messages. Use this level should if you are reporting a launcher problem to IBM.
The sample JCL procedure JVMPRCxx has a keyword parameter, LOGLVL=, which you use to set this option.