Installing security providers
You can install security providers statically, by editing the file, or dynamically in your Java™ application code.
Installing a provider statically
To register a new provider, add an entry to specify the
provider subclass name and the preference order for that provider. The entry has the following format:security.provider.n=providerName
Where:- n
- specifies the preference order. 1 is the most preferred provider.
- providerName
- specifies the name of the subclass that is implementing the Provider class.
Providers that you register by using the file are instantiated when the Java VM is initialized. The provider settings apply to any VM that is created by using that Java installation configuration.
- IBMJCECCA: The software JCE provider supports more algorithms than the IBMJCECCA provider, and
so is used for Java cryptographic services by default. To
ensure that the IBMJCECCA provider is used instead (and so get the benefits of hardware
cryptography), either move it higher in the list than any software JCE provider or specify it in
your application code (for example, when you call the
Installing providers dynamically
You can dynamically add or remove a provider or change its preference order from within a Java application, by using the Security.addProvider(), Security.insertProviderAt(), or Security.removeProvider() methods in the class. These methods dynamically alter the installed providers list. The changes apply only to applications that are running in the same VM as the Java application that makes the changes. For more information about the APIs that dynamically alter the security provider list, see the Java API documentation.