Installing the SDK
The SDK is available as SMP/E packages and as non-SMP/E packages, and is supported on certain hardware and operating systems.
Supported environments
Updates to these support statements might also be added to the Supplementary documentation technote.
The following hardware systems are supported:
- IBM® z16™
- IBM z15®
- IBM z14
- IBM z13®
The following operating system versions are supported. A service refresh tag indicates when SDK
support was added for an operating system version.
- z/OS® 2.5
- z/OS 3.1
Note: For the latest information about z/OS hardware support,
see z/OS server support.
If you order the SDK, the package is provided in SMP/E RELFILE format, which can be installed by using SMP/E. A program directory is available to guide you through the installation process. Alternatively, non-SMP/E format packages are available to download directly from the Java™ SDK products on z/OS page. These packages contain compressed code archives. Instructions to decompress and install the packages are provided in a readme file that is also available to download from the same site.
Installation directory
The installation directory is referred to elsewhere in this documentation as
install_dir. If you install the SDK from an SMP/E package,
the recommended installation directory is as
you install from a non-SMP/E package, the SDK is installed in a J21.0_64 subdirectory in your chosen installation location. The default installation
directory is as follows:$PWD/J21.0_64/
If the SDK is embedded in an IBM product, refer to the documentation for that product to determine the directory location.Prerequisite PTFs
The following z/OS Program Temporary Fixes (PTFs) must be
installed to run the SDK.
- z/OS 2.5: (PSP information: ZOSV2R5 PSP Bucket, subset ZOSCCPP)
PH45536/PH45538/PH45672(UI80156) PH60053(UI95832) PH41221(UI78912) PH53938(UI94524) OA61972(UJ94590) PH45182(UI95696) PH61321(UI97093) OA62733(UJ93780) OA66090(UJ94894) PH45182(UI95696)
- z/OS 3.1:
PH60056(UI95833) PH53938(UI94523) OA61972(UJ94587) PH61321(UI97094)