Java™ Cryptography Extension Hybrid Provider (IBMJCEHYBRID) routes application requests for cryptography to different JCE providers, depending on their availability.


Applications that use cryptographic hardware can use IBMJCEHYBRID to provide failover to another JCE provider in order to continue cryptographic operations when the hardware is not available. With IBMJCEHYBRID, applications can use JCE providers that have platform dependencies without needing to include complex error handling for when the platform's cryptographic features are not available.

Note: To use IBMJCEHYBRID provider, you must add the provider to the file and place it higher on the list, prior to all the other JCE providers. This is essential if you are running into problems while making use of multiple JCE providers, especially IBM ones such as IBMJCECCA and OpenJCEPlus.

The IBMJCEHYBRID can be the first JCE provider in the provider list but not be the first JCE provider in the active JVM provider list. This will be the case if an application uses the Security.insertProviderAt() API and inserts a provider ahead of IBMJCEHYBRID.


For detailed information about the IBMJCEHYBRID installation and functions, see the following documentation:

For the IBMJCEHYBRID API reference, see: IBMJCEHYBRID API Reference Documentation.