Files used by the batch launcher

The following DD names are used by the Java™ batch launcher:

Table 1. Files used by the batch launcher
DD name Description

(Output, Required)

Messages from the batch launcher and any system messages that are written to the UNIX stderr file descriptor.


(Output, Optional)

Any system messages that are written to the UNIX stdout file descriptor. This DD name is not normally used.


(Output, Required)

The output from the Java System.out stream. This data is converted to the code page that is specified by the JZOS_OUTPUT_ENCODING environment variable. For more information, seeControlling output encoding


(Output, Required)

The output from the Java System.err stream. This data is converted to the code page that is specified by the JZOS_OUTPUT_ENCODING environment variable. For more information, see Controlling output encoding.


(Input, Required)

A UNIX shell script that is used to configure environment variables. For more information, see Configuring environment variables for JZOS.


(Input, Optional)

The input to the Java stream. This data is converted from the code page that is specified by the JZOS_OUTPUT_ENCODING environment variable to the default code page as specified by the Java file.encoding property. For more information, seeControlling output encoding.


(Input, Optional)

Can be used to supply arguments to the main Java class. For more information, see Specifying the Java main class and its arguments.

Because the Java virtual machine runs under the same address space as the parent batch job step, you can provide additional DD names, which can be accessed by the Java program. For more information, see MVS data set I/O.