Working with TDUMPs using IPCS
A TDUMP or Transaction Dump is generated from the MVS service IEATDUMP by default in the event of a program check or exception in the JVM. You can disable the generation of a TDUMP, but it is not recommended by IBM® Service.
A TDUMP can contain multiple Address Spaces. It is important to work with the correct address space associated with the failing java process.
To work with a TDUMP in IPCS, here is a sample set of steps to add the dump file to the IPCS inventory:
- Browse the dump data set to check the format and to ensure that the dump is correct.
- In IPCS option 3 (Utility Menu), suboption 4 (Process
list of data set names) type in the TSO HLQ (for example,
) and press Enter to list data sets. You mustADD
in the command-line alongside the relevant data set) the uncompressed (untersed) data set to the IPCS inventory. - You can select this dump as the default one to analyze in two
- In IPCS option 4 (Inventory Menu) type
to add the selected data set name to the default globals. - In IPCS option 0 (DEFAULTS Menu), change Scope and Source
If you change the Source default, IPCS displays the current default address space for the new source and ignores any data entered in the address space field.Scope ==> BOTH (LOCAL, GLOBAL, or BOTH) Source ==> DSNAME('DUMPHLQ.UNTERSED.SIGSEGV.DUMP') Address Space ==> Message Routing ==> NOPRINT TERMINAL Message Control ==> CONFIRM VERIFY FLAG(WARNING) Display Content ==> NOMACHINE REMARK REQUEST NOSTORAGE SYMBOL
- In IPCS option 4 (Inventory Menu) type
- To initialize the dump, select one of the analysis functions,
such as IPCS option 2.4 SUMMARY - Address spaces and tasks,
which will display something like the following output and give the TCB address.
(Note that non-zero CMP entries reflect the termination code.)
TCB: 009EC1B0 CMP...... 940C4000 PKF...... 80 LMP...... FF DSP...... 8C TSFLG.... 20 STAB..... 009FD420 NDSP..... 00002000 JSCB..... 009ECCB4 BITS..... 00000000 DAR...... 00 RTWA..... 7F8BEDF0 FBYT1.... 08 Task non-dispatchability flags from TCBFLGS5: Secondary non-dispatchability indicator Task non-dispatchability flags from TCBNDSP2: SVC Dump is executing for another task SVRB: 009FD9A8 WLIC..... 00000000 OPSW..... 070C0000 81035E40 LINK..... 009D1138 PRB: 009D1138 WLIC..... 00040011 OPSW..... 078D1400 B258B108 LINK..... 009ECBF8 EP....... DFSPCJB0 ENTPT.... 80008EF0 PRB: 009ECBF8 WLIC..... 00020006 OPSW..... 078D1000 800091D6 LINK..... 009ECC80
For more information about IPCS on z/OS, see the documentation for your version of z/OS. For example: Getting started with IPCS on z/OS.