Supported data types for Zendesk custom attributes

Use these data types when you configure your Zendesk application profile.

Table 1. Support data types for Zendesk custom attributes
Zendesk data type Verify data type Considerations
String String None
Boolean Boolean/string The string values true or false can be passed. If the string contains other characters, the endpoint throws an Invalid Input error.
Integer Number/string A string value or a number like "1234" can be passed. If it contains characters, the endpoint throws an Invalid Input error.
Floating point number String A string value or a number like "1234.34" can be passed. If it contains characters, the endpoint throws an Invalid Input error.
Datetime String The accepted format is yyyy-mm-dd. If the string contains other characters, the endpoint throws an Invalid Input error.
Regex String If the string is other than regex format, the endpoint throws an Invalid Input error.
Multiline String String None
Dropdown String If the string is other than a configured value for the dropdown, the endpoint throws an Invalid Input error.
Checkbox Boolean/string The string value can be true or false. If the string contains other characters, the endpoint throws an Invalid Input error.
Note: Zendesk does not support any other constraints.