Starting the adapter configuration tool

Start the agentCfg tool to access the configuration menu, where you can modify the different adapter parameters.

About this task

Note: The screens displayed in the tasks topics are examples. Information in the actual screens might be different.


  1. Browse to the Windows Command Prompt.
  2. On the Windows operating system, browse to the Windows Command Prompt.
    Log on to the MVS system through Time Sharing Option (TSO).
  3. Run the following commandPress Enter to enter the UNIX System Services environment.

    You can also use a telnet session to enter the UNIX System Services environment.

  4. In the command prompt, change to the read/write /bin subdirectory of the adapter.If the adapter is installed in the default location for the read/write directory, run the following command.
    For Windows operating systems:
    cd C:\Program Files\IBM\ISIM\Agents\adapter_name\bin\
    cd C:\Program Files\IBM\ISIM\Agents\adapter_name\bin\
    For Authentication Manager 6.0:
    cd C:\Tivoli\Agents\adapter_name\bin\
  5. Run the following command
    agentCfg -agent adapterAGNT
    The adapter name was specified when you configured the adapter. You can find the adapter names active by running the agentCfg as:
    agentCfg -list
  6. At the Enter configuration key for Agent 'adapterAGNT', type the configuration key for the adapter.
    The default configuration key is agent.
    Note: To prevent unauthorized access to the configuration of the adapter, you must modify the configuration key after the adapter installation completes..

    The Agent Main Configuration Menu is displayed.

    Agent Main Configuration Menu
    A. Configuration Settings.
    B. Protocol Configuration.
    C. Event Notification.
    D. Change Configuration Key.
    E. Activity Logging.
    F. Registry Settings.
    G. Advanced Settings.
    H. Statistics.
    I. Codepage Support.
    X. Done.
    Select menu option:
    The following table lists the different options available in the Agent Main Configuration Menu.
    Table 1. Options for the main configuration menu
    Option Configuration task
    A Viewing configuration settings
    B Changing protocol configuration settings
    C Configuring event notification
    D Changing the configuration key
    E Changing activity logging settings
    F Changing registry settings
    G Changing advanced settings
    H Viewing statistics
    I Changing code page settings